Chapter Six

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Time seemed to go by dreadfully slow. Harry, Zayn, and Niall went back to sleep in their bunks, while Louis and Liam stayed up talking about something. I didn't know what it was, but I heard my name said a couple of times. That can't be good.

Harry wanted me to go back to bed with him, but I was already awake and I couldn't go back to sleep. I didn't want to. Not after that dream.

I sat in the back lounge room doing school work when Liam came in, "Hey, Love. Do you need any help?"

I jumped at the sound of his voice. My tablet almost fell to the floor, but I caught it in time. I really have to pull myself together.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." He apologized.

"Its fine. I wasn't paying attention. Its not your fault." I told him. He sat down next to me and Harry walked in, fresh from his nap.

"Hey, babe. Whats up?" He asked.

I jumped again. Where are they coming from?! I put my hand over my chest, "You guys just come out of nowhere."

Harry looked at me suspiciously,"You knew I was taking a nap, Hailey."


"We will be stopping for breakfast soon. Do you guys want anything?" Liam asked.

"I'll have pancakes," Harry said.

I was staring blankly at my tablet; every image of every moment I ever had with Damian flooding my memory. "Hailey?"

I snapped out of my daze and looked at Liam, "Uhh... I'm fine. I don't feel like eating anything." I could feel Harry staring at me.

"Alright," Liam said and left.

Harry sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I flinched slightly at his touch, "You have been jumpy all morning. Whats wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just stressed."

"This isn't stress, Hailey. Its more like paranoia."

"I'm fine, Harry."

"No. I know you're not. You've said it before. I know you better than you know yourself."

"Yeah. I'm regretting that a bit. So whats your point?"

"My point is, I know something is bothering you." He took the tablet off my lap and set it down on the other side of him, "Take a break from school and tell me whats wrong."

I leaned back on the couch and sighed. I didn't say anything, and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Is this about the dream?" he asked.

"Its a possibility."

"It was about Damian, wasn't it?"

"Another likely possibility."

"Hailey, give me a straight answer. You know you can tell me."

I sighed, "Fine. Yes. It was."

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

"Trust me. You do not want hear it," I told him honestly.

"How do you know that?"

"Once you hear it, you will regret that I ever told you."

"It was that bad?"

"You have no idea. And it was lucid and I could feel everything. It was dreadful and felt so damn real. And now I am jumping at every little sound..."

"Hailey, I would never hurt you."

"I know... But its just a natural reaction, I guess. I don't want you to take it personally... It just happens."

"I understand that. And I don't take it personally. I just want you to feel safe and I want you to know that none of us are ever going to hurt you."

"I do know that. Its just...," I sighed. "Its just so frustrating." I put my head in my hands and began to massage my temples with my fingers.

Harry began massaging my shoulders and my neck, "I guess you are stressed out too. Your shoulders are really tight." He said and continued massaging my shoulders, loosening all the knots from my muscles. For once, I felt relaxed. And I had not felt relaxed in the past two weeks. I let out a quiet moan and I heard Harry chuckle. "Just do what you always do; act normal. And everything will be fine. The only thing that will be different is you will have someone watching you. The paranoia will go away. I promise."

I knew Harry would do nothing to hurt me. I knew the only person who would do that was Damian. I needed to push back this fear, so I decided to treat Harry like what he was: my boyfriend. My sweet, beautiful, caring, loving boyfriend.

I leaned back on to his chest and let his warmth envelope me. I shifted so that my face was resting on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my frame and held me as I curled up to him, half of me on him, and half of me on the couch. I was tired. The dream had sleep deprived me. Though, I had woken up when the alarm went off, the dream had last a long while before that, and kept me in some sort of a coma, and I couldn't wake up until someone did it for me. And the fact that I slept on the barn floor didn't help either. No matter how soft the bedding was.

I stayed where I was, in Harry's arms, as I stared blankly, thinking about how I was going to get through this, and about how much stronger I was now with the boys around.

My fingers absentmindedly started rubbing the hem of Harry's white T-shirt. "I'm sorry," I said.

"Babe, its not your fault. Why are you apologizing?"

I was apologizing for a number of reasons. Directly to Harry, and just in general. For one, I was sorry that Damian found his way back into my life and turned it into an all new living nightmare for everyone. And to Harry, I was sorry because I knew that this was just as frustrating for him as it was for me. Nothing could be worse than seeing the love of your life being hesitant towards your touch.

Now, I could have told that to Harry, but instead I whispered, "I don't know." Too tired to explain aloud.

My eyes shut, but I wasn't fully asleep so I could hear Harry start singing softly once he realized I had drifted off. Oh how I love the sound of his soothing voice. I clutched the hem of his shirt that I had been playing with earlier in my fist. I heard Harry chuckle softly and I could picture a dimpled smile on his face as he continued to sing to me. I nuzzled my face into his chest, taking in the scent of his Burberry cologne. Soon, I fell into a deep, peacefull, dreamless slumber, listening to Harry's calming voice.


A/n: so this was kind of a filler. Sorry if it was a little boring for you, but i promise things will pick up haha and some things will happen to hailey that only make the situation more frustrating.

Lots of love and stay beautiful!!


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