《 chapter 2 》

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"Are you sure this is going to work?"

"Well, I'm not sure. Let's just wait and see."

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone knocking on the clear window outside. I was surprised when I saw the guy looking at me from the outside.

He pointed at the table to tell me that my fork almost fell to the ground. I quickly grabbed it before it drops, and then mouthed the word 'thank you' to the guy standing outside.

He grinned and walked away, then it hit me.

It doesn't seemed like we know each other, huh?

"Sung Hee," Mark called. "Are you fine?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You are not thinking about the exam results, are you?" Jinyoung asked and continued talking, "You need to stop constantly worrying about things."

"All of us can tell that you worked very hard this time, don't worry! I'm sure you will pass with flying colours." Yugyeom grinned at me.

Well, they didn't even give me a chance to speak. I'm not even being worried about the exam results.

"Now, just take good care of your own self. Eat well and rest well, okay?" Jaebum said, passing me a cup of drink.


"Why can't I think of anything?" I furrowed my eyebrows, staring intently at the mystery letter. I sighed, why am I so determine to find out the truth?

"By the time you see this paper, you probably won't remember me anymore..?" I repeated the words on the paper and gulped. Why does this sounds so creepy?

The last few words made me really confused: I love you. Have I actually dated this person before? I shook my head, why would I have no memories of him then? I didn't get into any accident and cause any injuries before. Then, who is he?

"You'll understand why I'm doing this one day!" The voice suddenly echoed in my mind.

My eyes widened, I totally freaked out when I hear that voice. It sounds so familiar, why did this line suddenly appeared in my mind out of nowhere? It's like recalling something that I've forgotten.

Is there any possibility that this voice belongs to Choi Youngjae?


"Sung Hee!" Hyejin waved and ran towards me.

Both of us were on our way to school. I walked to school with Hyejin everyday, and sometimes Jackson too. I guess Jackson is still sleeping soundly at home, so he's not tagging along with us today.

I like going to school early, so do Hyejin.

"Any new discovery found about Choi Youngjae?" She asked as we were walking.

Hyejin was the only one who knew about the mystery letter. Even though I'm close and I trust Mark a lot, but I still feel uncomfortable sharing this with him. I mean, I don't think it's a good thing to see an 'I love you' being written when you were already dating with another person, especially when Mark are close friends with Jaebum. I told Hyejin not to leak anything, and she's really good at keeping secrets.

"I'm still trying." I answered, "I'm very determine to find out the truth behind this letter and this person."

Soon, we reached the school. I took a glance at the clock on the wall and was surprised, we reached way more earlier than I thought.

Hyejin wanted to go get a drink in the cafeteria and I agreed to follow her, since it's still early.

"Take care of my bag!" She rushed off as soon as she put down her bag on the bench, quickly going to the queue of the drink stall.

I yawned and sighed, it's going to be a long day today.

"Oh?" I looked up when I heard someone speaking, and widened my eyes when I looked clearly. "Aren't you the girl that I saw in the cafe yesterday?"

I stood up quickly from the bench, "Oh, hello! Are you new here? I've never see you in this school."

"Ahh, this is my first day here." He grinned at me and I nodded.

I'm shocked that he still remember me when we didn't really have a conversation yet. Remember the guy whom I saw in the cafe? Yes, it's him.

We headed to the classroom after Hyejin came back from the drink stall, and learned that the guy is in the same class as us. Coincidence, huh?

I panicked when I saw our homeroom teacher walking into the classroom. Hyejin and I quickly ran into the classroom and sat down.

The guy stood beside the homeroom teacher, "Class, you have a new classmate today." Our homeroom teacher said and looked at the guy. "Please introduce yourself."

He stepped forward and smiled, "Hello everyone, my name is Choi Youngjae."

My jaws dropped when I heard the name escaped from his mouth.

"Do take good care of your new classmate, okay?"

I wasn't able to hear anything afterwards, I'm still surprised by what the guy said earlier on.

"C-Choi Youngjae?" My eyes widened as I heard that line repeated in my mind.

"You can sit in front of Sung Hee." The homeroom teacher said, referring to the two empty seats in front of me and Yugyeom.

He went to the table and sat down, before turning his head to me, smiling.

I raised my eyebrow, why does this scene looks so familiar to me?

Did I really found you, Choi Youngjae?

>>> END OF CHAPTER 2 <<<


hello!! this chapter is slightly shorter, but i hope you did enjoy reading it! thank you for showing your support to this book 2, i really appreciate it! im really trying my best here to write and publish a new chapter as soon as i can. please bare with me with the slow updates!

do comment down below about your thoughts on this chapter!

new update coming soon :D


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