Forgetting the World

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 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 1 John 2:15

We often hear the story of the Prodigal son, but we don't really apply it to our life.

If we want to go out into the world, if we want to make a difference, then we really need to give up the things that we are surrounded in. Don't get me wrong, God gave us this world, and all of these blessings, and we need to enjoy it, but you can't love these things more than God.

I've been to a few conferences on healing lately, and I have found that people are truly focused on being well. No one likes to be sick. I myself have an injury that means I can no-longer run, jump, or any of those things. 

I'm only fifteen. 

This means I can't do things that most kids can. Do you think I haven't prayed about it? Trust me, I have.  But I feel that God has given me this ailment so that I can speak His Word, and not be distracted by the world. I often find that I love the world so much, the books, the food, the friends, that I miss out on God! And God is Eternity, and Eternity starts now! 

Back to the Prodigal Son. 

This young man asked for his inheritance early, became rich, and wasted it on the world. As soon as he ran out of cash, his "friends" deserted him and he was alone. He then got a job feeding pigs, and living with them. He got to the stage that he wanted to eat the food of the pigs. Then he remembered his father. His servants were paid well, looked after, and fed. He must have thought about this for a long time, but eventually he stood up, and travelled back to be with his father. He would have gone over what to say in his head, "I am sorry master, I was wrong, I shouldn't have left and I have betrayed you. I am not worthy to be called your son. Please take me back as a hired hand."   

But as soon as he came in sight of the house, his father ran down to meet him, and arranged a feast for him. He still loved his son.   -Luke 15:11–32

Now, when we waste our lives on the world, we are wasting the time God has given us. But if we come back, God will accept us back, as His children. 

But we can see here, that ignoring God is wrong, and wasting our time on the world is wrong. We must spend our time here on Earth wisely, bringing others into Eternity with Him.

~J.A. Penrose~

~Open Doors

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." - Matthew 25:40


Many Syrian refugee children in Lebanon are out of school. After fleeing violence just having their immediate needs met has been the priority. While the Lebanese government has been trying to get every child into a government school, the need far outweighs the available resources.


"These are informal schools," Says Pastor Jamal* an Open Doors partner in Lebanon. He is referring to a container that has been fitted inside with small desks. "We would really like to have an official school, we would like a license for that. In the two centres together we can have 300 children a day. In the church we already had a school for 300 children."

*Name changed for security purposes.


Pray for continued outreach opportunities through these schools and other programs.

Pray for God to provide comfort to the people who have been living in these camps for several years and feel uncertain about the future.

Pray for peace to return to Syria and a way for people to return to their homes.~

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