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"For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing." ~ 2 Timothy 4:6-8

You will die one day. 

Your body will be buried, and you will rot.

All that will be left of you is your legacy.

A few years ago at my school, when the year 12 kids left and had their last assembly, some of the year 10s came up and told us what each of the year 12s would be remembered for. 

Josh- His luxurious locks.

Ben- That time he tripped and broke his arm in a soccer match and kept going.

Maddy- Her 100% in a maths exam.

Now, this all actually made me think a bit at the time,  I mean, what do I want to be remembered for? And what am I most likely to be remembered for?

I'd like to be remembered as the kind girl who when you looked at her, you could see Jesus. But I honestly think that most people wouldn't remember me for that. They'd remember that I was the girl who topped the school in English for 2 years running. The girl who always raved about her books. The girl who never raved about Christ her Lord

This was a major turning point in my life, admittedly, God had to intervene a few more times to get my life back on track as I had struggled with anxiety and PTSD. But I wanted to be a window to God. So, slowly, bit by bit, the Holy Spirit started to change me.

I wanted to leave behind me a legacy of Christ, and recently, I've been seeing the fruits. It has taken years, but now, I get comments on how my passion for God shines through. But, the best thing from this is how much closer I've grown to God through it. He is awesome, and I praise him for this!

What about you? Just stop a moment and think a bit about what your friends, acquaintances and family know you by. Is it your kindness? Your humor? Your intelligence? Or is it God?

We want to proclaim GOd in our every action. He is to be proclaimed. He is almighty.

I pray that you all aim to make Him your legacy.

If you have any prayer points, requests, or anything else, you can leave a comment below, or you can PM me. I do my best to check regularly. 

Fight for God guys! Don't despair, He is with us!


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