Pain is Beautiful

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James 1:2-4  "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."

So, let's suffer. 

In December-January this year, I went to Burma. On a mission trip. Teen Missions International.

It was the most amazing experience in my life.

And the most painful.

I have a knee injury, and, well, I can't run, kneel, jump, or many other things. If I do, I end up in so much pain that I have been known to pass out. It hurts. A lot. So, doing mission work was a real challenge to me. 

Maybe you're wondering where I'm going with this? Cool, I'm getting there.

So, one day, I was chopping down trees with a machete, and I kept falling over. I was suffering from dehydration and heat stroke. Eventually, I was forced by my team to lie in the shade, and then it started. Once my delira had gone down, I began to notice a sharp, jabbing pain in my knee. The pain was excruciating. We got back to where we were staying, and I collapsed unconscious on the floor. 

I spent the rest of the day writhing about in agony, only to get concussed when a metal water bottle was knocked onto my head.  Ouch, I know. 

The next day, I woke up, and immediately had a panic attack. Somehow, from the concussion, I had gone blind. I was terrified. 

I love reading, writing, and playing music. All of these I use my eyes for. And in my panic, I was certain that I had gone blind, forever.

My team were praying for me, and eventually I went back to sleep. And I had a strange dream. 

A man wearing white was holding His hand down to me. I grasped it and He pulled me to my feet. He then lead me out of the room into the night, and told me that His love had no end, it reached further than the stars. 

I woke up, and found myself outside, looking up at the stars. I fell to my knees and started crying. I could see. 

That's where my team found me, a few minutes later.

So, I found God's awesome healing, through pain. I was brought down, so that I could be raised up. So when you find yourself in a painful spot, remember that God loves you, and he will use the pain to bring beauty! 


A missionary family is returning to Nepal to start up a Christian school in Kathmandu, and they need prayer for protection for them and their children who are doing missionary work in India. Also, if anyone wants to help out teaching there, please understand that it is a faith ministry, and you need to have a university qualification. If you want to help out, please comment bellow and I'll happily see if I can arrange it for you!~

~J.A. Penrose~

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