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"Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us." ~1 Peter 2:11-12

How many of you know that person that whenever you look that them you think, "Wow, I want to be like that when I grow up"?

There's a lady like that who used to go to my church, but now she's in Bible College, and they are so blessed to have her. She would work night shifts as a nurse, and then, every Sunday she would be at Church with a huge smile and her guitar and would praise the Lord, blessing us all with her enthusiasm and love. We all thought that she must have been a angel sent from heaven. 

Now, she also ran a youth program for the village teens where I live. Most of them are rough; coming from families of neglect, alcohol, drugs, abuse and hatred. But they all would come together, at our Church with Crystal, because that was where they felt safe.



They knew Crystal was a Christian, but she didn't have to say it. They could look at her and tell. They could feel her love and the love of Yesu through her. 

Sometimes we undervalue what our lives can do to evangelise. 

Only a few days ago, I had someone ask me if I was a Christian. I was confused on why they asked, because we weren't having a particularly theological discussion, but as it turns out, they could tell because they could see that I was mirroring Christ.

I must say though, this world must be pretty fallen if being kind to another human told a Non-Christian that I was a follower of Yesu.

Now you may be thinking that this is a bit much. You are always doing what is right. But think about this; whenever Jesus was hurt, he blessed. Forgiving and forgetting isn't enough. We need to go out of our way to help others. To help those who are our enemies.

We need to shine like a beacon in the dark of this dark world. 

We need to come together as a family of Christ to uphold one another and to strengthen each other. We need to shine out bright so that the world can see that we are not from here. So many of us are around here on Wattpad, and I have been reading your works. Here is but one that I believe many should read as it is encouraging and a good reminder.

Christians! Rally together. Share this with one other believer if you feel called to do so

Fight against the ways of this world, don't let it consume you. 


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