God is in Control

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"For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but so the world, through Him might be saved." ~John 3:17

Ultimately, God is in control.

We can do all that we can to try and bring others to Him, but in the end, the world can only be saved through Jesus. 

What God calls us to do is great, and it does make a difference, but in the end, it comes down to God, to what He chooses to do. How He directs the paths. What He decides. 

It isn't often that humans change the entire way that the world runs, but you know what? God does. Nothing that we can do can stop God from fulfilling his plans. 

Don't forget that.

Sorry guys about this being so brief, and without a story at the end, but I'm not doing so great at the moment, I'm just a teenager at school, I'm hardly perfect, and I am rarely 100% okay. Today is not going great, and I can only pray that that isn't too strongly reflected in my writing. But remember, no matter what, always trust in Jesus, He is faithful, and will always carry you!


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