Why Do We Love?

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"I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases." ~Song of Solomon 8:4~

This is a piece of advice that is sooooo relevant to our day's life.

One of the scariest things that has happened to me, was when my kindergarten buddy that is, a five year old girl, introduced me to her 'boyfriend.'

Can I just ask this, are you, a teenager, ready to fully commit your life to someone and get married?

The answer is probably a definite "No."

You reckon this kid was? 

Again, "No."

So why was she with this guy? Can't she just have him as a friend? No. She can't because society says you MUST have a partner.

Later on, when I was in year 7, a girl on the bus aged fifteen was texting guys frantically. It was her birthday the next day, and guess what she said?

"No! I can't be single on my birthday!"

I informed her that I was single for all of my birthdays, and she rolled her eyes and said that when I was fifteen that would change.

I'm fifteen right now, and y'know what?

My view hasn't changed.

Can I bring up one final point on this before moving on? Good, cos I will anyway.

Imagine that you are at the end of the aisle on your wedding day, finally getting married. Now, then, every single guy/girl you have flirted with, dated, slept with, appears next to you. Just before you are to be married, they recite their entire love life concerning you, in front of everyone.

How on earth are you meant to live with that? 

Could you really get married after that?

There is a chance, that some of you share my policies, and look at that and say, 'Well, that would be exactly zero people, I don't date.' If so, cool. But, just so you can have a clear understanding, I'm going to throw some scary numbers at you.

I surveyed the girls in my year, year 10 at my school on how many guys they had dated.

The average, of all 63, was 8

How many they had flirted with?

Well, this took a long time to get, seeing that the majority struggled to remember, but in the end, around 40.

Slept with?

Fairly enough, only a few people answered affirmative, equally 7.

That's just at one small country school in Australia.

So for the majority of those girls, they would have 55 people turn up at their wedding. 

I didn't interview the guys I'm afraid, but, you can probably base your ideas somewhat off that.

What does the verse I put up earlier say?

I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases. 

Does modern society agree with this? No. If anything, people are pressured into stirring up love.

So don't fall for it. 

Don't date that guy cos everyone say you should.

Don't flirt with that random girl just because she's pretty.

Cos the person who loves you ultimately is so much better.

The song I put up is of God, our lover, running to us. He loves you more than you can imagine.

Do you want that to be destroyed?

Don't date things of this world. Don't make idols. 

There are two ways of looking at the verse I put up, and I believe both are right.

We should not go made over humans outside of marriage, nor should we idolise things and put them over God.

Be different from the world.

Stand out.

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