Chapter 1

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Leafsong woke to the sweet scents of the medicine cat den.  After the battle with Hawkfrost, Leafpool made her stay in her den for almost a moon.  Leafsong’s wounds were completely healed and almost all her scratches were covered with newly grown fur, just in time for the early leaf-fall.

“Ah, you’re awake,” Leafpool, the ThunderClan medicine cat, padded out of the rock where she made her nest in, carrying some dock leaves.  She crouched down, chewed up a leaf, and spread the poultice onto Leafsong’s wounds.  “That should be enough,” she said when she finished.  “I think it is time for you to go back to your warrior duties.  Tell me if you start hurting again.”

Leafsong pulled herself up.  “Thanks, Leafpool.  What would I do without you?”

Leafpool shrugged.  “You would be with our ancestors by now.  What would we do without a chosen warrior?”  Leafpool smiled and began cleaning up the leftover dock.  Leafsong smiled, too, and padded out of the den.

Leafsong was the Chosen Warrior, which meant that she could rule the whole forest if she wanted to.  It also means that cats, warrior code or no warrior code, in a Clan or out of a Clan, would try to kill her.

Leafsong thought back to her fight with Hawkfrost.  She had known someone wanted to kill her, but not from RiverClan.  Hawkfrost was in RiverClan.  He framed WindClan, killed both of Leafsong’s parents, and then tried to kill her.  She was ready to face anything or anyone now.

Leafsong stopped in the clearing and watched Jaykit, Hollykit, and Lionkit, Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw’s kits, play with a ball of moss.  Hollykit, her black fur fluffed up by the cold and green eyes warm with amusement, tossed the ball towards Jaykit.  It went right over his head; Lionkit trampled over Jaykit, his orange fur covering him, to get the moss ball.  Jaykit struggled over the weight.

“Hey!  Get off me, Lionkit!” Jaykit yowled.  Lionkit threw the moss back to Hollykit.

“There!  Now you don’t have to chuck it across the clearing,” Lionkit ran over to tackle Hollykit for the ball.

“That’s easy for you to say!” Jaykit grumbled, grooming his ruffled, sandy pelt.  “But when I’m a warrior, you’ll see!”

Leafsong blinked sympathetically at Jaykit, even though she knew he’s blind.  Everyone is different in a way—Longtail is a young, blind elder, Cloudtail was a kittypet, but now a loyal warrior, and Leafsong—Leafsong was the Chosen Warrior.

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