Chapter 8

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Sorry I didn't update this story sooner. As you may know, I just copy and paste each chapter of this from Word, but I didn't really have access to a computer that had Word or a port for a flashdrive that worked, so yeah. Enjoy this other short basically five paragraphed chapter yo.


Leafsong woke up at moonhigh in her nest.  It was time to travel to the Horseplace.  Her belly growled.  As guilty as it was, she was going to catch and eat some prey at the Horseplace, but it was recommended.  She was going to fight five cats by herself, and they would have eaten more fresh-kill than her.

Quietly, Leafsong got out of the den and snuck across the clearing to the dirtplace tunnel.  She tried to ignore the smell, but it was useless.   She went through the barrier and ran to the shadows outside the camp, hoping no one saw her.

Jumping from shadow to shadow, Leafsong made her way to the WindClan border.  Leaping the stream, she followed along the lake, anxious without the cover of bushes in case someone sees her.  Finally, she came to the Horseplace.  Leafsong caught a fat, juicy mouse and ate it as she thought of a strategy.  There were no cats in view.  They must still be sleeping, enjoying all that prey!  Leafsong thought to herself.  Okay, I’ll sneak into the barn and surprise attack them while they’re sleeping.

When Leafsong finished her prey, the sun was coming up.  She streaked across the long grass area to the barn.  On the side of the barn, there was a hole big enough for a cat to crawl in.  Leafsong poked her head in the gap—there was a huge hay pile along the back wall and some little piles in some corners.  Above, there was a platform all around the walls with beams going across in the center, and a ladder led up to the platform.  They could be anywhere in this place! Leafsong looked around in shock.  I guess I’ll start searching in that big hay pile.

She crept slowly into the barn towards the pile, putting her paws down as lightly as if she were stalking a mouse.  She pricked her ears and heard scuffling in the hay.  The cats must be in there, waking up.  Leafsong hurried her pace.  She was halfway to the pile, when she heard a loud yowl above.  She looked up and saw five cats jumping off the beams and landing around Leafsong, engulfing her.


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