Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

            David tapped on the hood of the car impatiently.  He was not in the mood to wait while Aaron and Kaelyn argued.  David wanted to see the horse shifter, and he wanted to leave now.

            “Aaron, it’s an informal meeting and he’s a friend.  You do not need to tell your dad and alert the whole pack that you’re going to see Mr. Keith.”

            “But I’m bringing David, who doesn’t know the horse shifter.  It’s a diplomatic meeting of sorts.”

            “Oh my god,” Kaelyn muttered in exasperation. “Don’t come then!  If you’re not there, it’s not a meeting between Shifters.”

            Aaron frowned. “That’s not—it’s still—that wouldn’t—damn it, Kaelyn!  I’m coming.”

            “Good.  Get in the car,” she snapped.

            Aaron growled softly as she turned around and walked to where David stood waiting by the car.  Kaelyn pretended not to notice as she unlocked her car and climbed in.  David followed suit and climbed into the back seat.  Frankly, he didn’t care whether Aaron got permission from the Alpha to go.  David wanted a few answers from the horse Shifter, and he would rather it be a private conversation with the man than have a pack listening in.

            Kaelyn turned on the car as Aaron opened the door.  When he slammed it he turned around to face David in the back seat.

            “Don’t tell anyone about this trip,” Aaron commanded.  David felt the words binding him, as only someone as high in the hierarchy as Aaron could do.  David nodded.  He didn’t have anyone to tell anyway, except Aaron.  David didn’t have many other friends.

            Four days ago David had woken up exhausted from the dream with Leila.  He still wasn’t sure what had really happened, but when he woke up he felt different.  When he heard Leila whisper goodbye as he was on the edge of consciousness, he knew she meant it to be for good.  She wouldn’t meet him for stolen kisses anymore.  If David wanted to have a future with her, he would have to seek a different route.

            His first thought had been to do damage.  He wanted to run in the woods until his body gave out on him.  But when he went to change he found he couldn’t.  Promise me, Leila had whispered.  And he promised.  His body wouldn’t allow him to hurt himself, so he wasn’t allowed to shift with those intentions.  The inability to change had made him frustrated to the point where he tried to smash things in his room, but his human body became paralyzed.  He could do no harm to himself in any form.

            David was paralyzed for a while, unable to flinch until he calmed down.  By the time Aaron showed up he had ceased fighting his body.  David sat, ignoring all calls from his body for nutrients or relief.  He felt like he was somewhere in a state between comatose and depressed.  All he heard was Leila’s voice over and over in his head. Promise me.  Goodbye David.

            He was like that for about a day until Aaron threw some ice water over him.  He sat up stuttering and was ordered to shower and eat.  It wasn’t until he had a full meal in him that David was able to tell Aaron what had happened in that strange dream realm.  Aaron listened and told David he had an idea.  And then his friend was gone.  David didn’t bother to wonder where.  He was too weary for pondering and fell back asleep.

            When he awoke the next day, Aaron’s girlfriend, Kaelyn, was with him.  She had an idea but needed the infamous horse Shifter’s help.  She asked David to go with her to visit the man, a friend of hers, and he agreed.  They would leave the next day.

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