XII: unexpected visitor

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I was wearing heels and a t-shirt in December, walking into my suite with a man who was 10 years older than I am.

I held my face down and rubbed my arms in attempt to warm myself up.

"I should've grabbed a coat." I complained as I shivered.

"We didn't really have time." He explained.

"Yes I know, but it's free-"

Harry picked me up before I continued on with my complaints and swept me off my feet. One hand was on my back, and the other was supporting my legs. I held my hands around his neck to pull myself up so I wouldn't fall.

"Harry! You're gonna slip! It's icy!" I squealed.

"No i'm not." Harry protested in a laugh.

I looked up to the sky, squinting as I did so because small little flecks of white were falling onto my face. Then more and more began to fall.

"It's snowing!" I exclaimed. I loved snow.

"You're a liar. This is awful." He chuckled.

"You're awful." I said to him.

He let go of me quickly, then caught me again to scare me. I screamed, but began to laugh when I realized he was just teasing.


Harry put me down and we subdued our fit of laughs to seem normal as we walked into the foyer. Harry walked beside me as we quickly tried to make it to the elevators without people noticing. Unfortunately, luck was not on my side today.

"Hey lass! What's up!" Alice exclaimed, sitting up from the seats in the lobby. Her voice brought all the attention on me, and unfortunately Harry as well.

"Oh, nothing much." I fake-smiled as me and her embraced in a friendly hug.

She looked down at my unusual outfit before looking up to me at me again.

"I love your... T-shirt dress, but aren't you chilly?" She asked.

"Yeah, I slept over at a classmate's dorm last night so I didn't have time to change." I lied horribly. She wasn't listening to me though, her eyes were locked on a certain 33 year old man standing a bit behind me.

"Mr. Styles?" She questioned as she walked closer to him. My stomach had dropped.

"Oh, hello Alice. How are you?" He smiled.

"I'm fine thanks- what are you doing here?" She crossed her arms.

"Well my sister just invited me over to see her kids this weekend. She lives at this suite actually." He lied.

"Oh, I see. Well, have a good holiday break if I don't see you again!" Alice said cheerfully.

"Thank you, Alice." He responded, then proceeded to walk to the elevators.

Alice looked to me and raised her brow.

"Coincidence that he happens to be here in the foyer the same time as you, hey?" She tapped her foot. I could feel beads of sweat rolling down my forehead.

"Ha, yeah it is a... Coincidence." I said shakily.

There was an awkward silence in which I made no eye contact with her whatsoever.

"Well, see you soon, have a great christmas lass!" She said, her tone changing drastically. She hugged me tightly as we exchanged our goodbyes.

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