2.52 ≫ irl

585 16 1

"I have a little competition for you my love." Sebastian started.

"Mmm?" Scarlett hummed.

"Whoever burps their baby the fastest gets out of diaper duty for the whole entire day." Sebastian purposed.

"You're on, pal, because I have August. And let's face it, he is the king of gas." Scarlett replied.

"I thought I had August." Sebastian replied quietly.


"Gosh, they are getting so big." Scarlett's smile was irrepressible as she looked at their sleeping twin boys.

"They are, can you believe they have my eyes too?" Asked Sebastian in a playful tone.

"Blue eyes aren't bad...I guess." Scarlett mumbled.

"We should try to get some sleep ourselves. We don't usually get them both asleep at the sane time." Sebastian replied.

"Oh my gosh yeah." Scarlett responded.


"Lettie?" Sebastian whispered.

"Mmm?" She hummed.

"I can't sleep, the twins messed up my sleeping schedule." Sebastian muttered to himself.

"I know what you mean. I'm not use to this either, but we're going to get the hang of this soon." She replied.

"In twenty years." Sebastian replied.

"Twenty?" Asked Scarlett.

"That's what Chris told me." He replied.

"Which Chris?" Scarlett questioned.


"He's a bit dramatic, don't listen to him." Scarlett smiled lightly.

"Yeah I guess. It's crazy to think we have two new children. Time has honestly gone so fast. I mean Mason is already two for gods sake." Sebastian commented.

"Yeah, our little man isn't going to be so little anymore." Scarlett sighed.

"Hey, Bash, I want you to do something for me."

"And what would that be?" He shifted to his side so that he could face her.

"I need you to..."

"Cuddle me." She replied.

"Oh, I thought it was something serious." He responded.

"Nope, now hug me." She extended her arms out to him.

"You dork." He replied before embracing her and allowing her to rest on his chest, not that he minded.

Scarlett and Sebastian slept peacefully through the night, until two children woke them up.


IRRESISTIBLE ⇒ Sebastian Stan 2Where stories live. Discover now