Chapter Two

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In science, your teacher said that you guys aren't allowed to chose your own lab partners. she said that she was going to be choosing instead. she read out the list of people who had to go together. and just like any other movie, you got put with the Twin with the birthmark. He walks over to the table. "Hey, I'm Lucas", he says. "Hi, uh I'm y/n". you say awkwardly. "nice to meet you" he says, "if you haven't seen already that's my twin brother Marcus", he raises his hand and point's to the front of the class where there standing at another table looks just exactly like Lucas. you smile and nod very awkwardly. "just letting you know so you don't get confused or anything,". you nod. at the end of the lesson you start to gather all of your things. Marcus walks over to your guys table, and they to a little handshake. "yo Marcus this is y/n" Lucas says pointing to you. "yo whatz up?!" Marcus says giving you a polite smile. "Yeah, nothing much, you know, just doing science, and stuff."you instantly start to cringe about what you had just said. "uhh, yeah, anyways cash you guys later I got basketball training soon, and Lucas, so do you, better see you there", Marcus says. "Yes lil bro, you will see me there." Marcus leaves the science room. "So, your on the Basketball team?" you say trying to start off with a conversation without sounding like a goofball. "Uh yeah, I'm the captain actually". Lucas says. "Oh, cool". you head straight for the door. "y/n, wait", you pause and then turn around. "yeah?" you say with confusion. "Um, your phone number,. can I have your phone number?" he asks. you look behind you wondering if there is anyone there with the same name. "Um, sorry, are you talking to me or...." "Yess, I'm talking to you, why would you think not?" he asks. "Well, it's just with guys like you they don't tend to really like me, or want to hang out with me." you say trying to avoid eye contact. He's so handsome. His eye's, his hair, his everything. perfect. "ouch, guys like me?". "yeah, you know. the kind of guys that are the captain of the basketball team, or are really..." you stop talking. "really what?..." he asks smiling. "hot". you say staring at the floor. "so you think I'm hot?" he asks. you hesitate. he notices that your face is turning red. "hey, um, it may sound a bit soon, but, I'm having a party next weekend, and if your down to come, that would be cool." he says looking into your eyes. "yeah I'll see if I'm free" you quickly race out the door, and make your way to the cafeteria. at the lunch room Jas walks up to you. "what's up with you?" she asks smirking. "what do you mean?" you ask in confusion. "your blushing hard out". "oh, it's um, nothing". you trying to change the subject. "so do they have pudding here?, I'm starving". "It's a boy isn't it?" she says almost yelling. "maybe". "spill!" she says with excitement spreading all over her face. "fine. it's Lucas,. Lucas Dobre." you finally  say. "your joking, right?". she asks with a suprising look on her face. "um, no why?". " girls would kill to go out with Lucas!" she says with a very serious expression. "but we're not going out, he just invited me to his party next weekend". "and, are you going?" she asks with a serious look on her face yet again. "well, yeah I guess". you shrug your shoulders. "count me in!" she shouts. you roll your eyes and head over to the food stand.

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