Chapter Seventy Two

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you sit there a little bit stunned and taken back from what had just happened. Jas really had no need to go and do that. she has nothing to worry about. your her best friend and it's gonna stay that way. 

you think back to your afternoon out with Charlie, and how she deliberately rolled her eyes at the mention of Jas's name. and how you think that that might of been another side of Charlie that you haven't seen before. 

A while ago, Charlie did actually ask Lucas out after the whole kissing drama, but she didn't seem to come and hate on you. but in this situation is seems like she's beginning to hate on Jas. she probably rolled her eyes because she knows that Jas is going out with Marcus and she know's that she can't have him. you hear a knock on the door and Ethan barges in looking more stressed than usual.

he paces up and down the room continuously. "Ethan what's wrong?", you ask looking up from your laptop.

he doesn't answer. instead he just continues to pace up and down the room again and again.

you sigh and roll your eyes. "GRAY!", you yell out.

Grayson walks into the room and looks at Ethan. "dude? what's wrong?", he asks looking Ethan up and down. Gray comes and stands next to your bed furrowing his eyebrows at Ethan. 

Ethan still doesn't answer.

you hear footsteps coming up the stairs. you think it's your mom but all of a sudden Jas comes in through your door. 

"y/n, I'm so--", Jas starts but then get's cut off from Ethan.

"IT'S A DISASTER!", Ethan yells causing Jas to jump in her tracks. 

you and Grayson don't get frightened at all. you've seen Ethan act this worried when he burnt a piece of toast. 

you roll your eyes. "what is it now Ethan?", you ask raising your eyebrows at him. 

"HAVE YOU NOT CHECKED TWITTER?!", he yells causing Jas to jump again. "IT'S ALL OVER THE INTERNET!", he says continuing to yell.

Grayson walks over to Ethan. "dude, calm down", Grayson says grabbing his shoulders putting him into place.

Ethan sighs. "everyone knows who I'm in a relationship with", Ethan says lowering his voice.

you widen your eyes. "YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!", you shout surprised that him or Grayson hadn't told you before.

"okay, I'm just gonna leave now.....", Jas says heading out the door to leave.

you take no notice of Jas because all your attention is now on Ethan. Grayson looks at Ethan with a worried look.

"how do they know bro?", Gray asks. you can tell in his tone that he feels sorry for Ethan.

you furrow your eyebrows. "um...... HELLO?! neither of you told me that Ethan was dating someone", you say getting up from your bed and walking over to the twins.

"look y/n, we'll explain everything soon . . . but for now, we need to hear Ethan's side of the story."

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