Chapter Seven

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you wake up that morning feeling an urge to apologise to Lucas. you now know that he didn't mean to hurt you the way he did and that it's Brooke's fault and not his. you call Lucas. he answers straight away. 

Lucas: hello?

You: Hey Lucas

Lucas: Oh hey y/n, are you alright?

You: Yeah, I'm algood. Can you meet me somewhere? Uh, at the cafe? make it soon

Lucas: Yeah sure what's up?

You: I'll explain at the cafe

you didn't feel right apologising over the phone. you needed to do it in person. you quickly tie your hair up into a bun, which looks extremely messy but you didn't care you just needed to see Lucas. You throw on a singlet and some long black tights and also your leather jacket because the last thing that you wanted was for Lucas to see your cuts. you put on some white socks and grab your phone, keys, and race downstairs and slip into your scuffs and head out the door. as your driving you get a phone call from Jas. 

You: Hello?

Jas: Oh, thank god your okay

You: yeah I'm okay. anyways whats up?

Jas: just checking to see if your okay

You: Well, I'm alright. K bye Jas I have somewhere I need to be

Jas: Oh, okay b...

you hang up before she could finish her sentence. you pull into the car park and head inside. there, suprisingly already is Lucas sitting at a table. "Hey, whats up? I came as soon as I could". he says with a worried expression. "Um, can we talk, outside?", you ask quietly. "Yeah sure come on". you both walk outside onto the deck. "look, Lucas, I'm really sorry for everything that I said to you last night." "No it's fine, I deserved it". he says. "No, you didn't. I called you a fuckboy? I mean, that's just cold." he keeps on looking at you. you go on about how wrong it was to call him all of that. but then you realise that he's smiling. "What?", you ask smiling back. "Oh, nothing. it's just funny". "What's, funny?". you ask slightly confused. "you." "Lucas, what I did was wrong, and I..." ,"do you want to go out with me?" he asks cutting you off. "wait, what?" you ask getting really confused now. "do you, y/n, want to go out with me. is that clear enough?". "But Lucas, that besides the point....". "It's either a yes, or a no?". he says raising his eyebrows. "well, yeah but..." , he picks you up and spins you around in his arms and then comes to a stop. He kisses you on the mouth. you add tongue and so does he. you continue to kiss for twenty seconds and then you pull away. "wait, Lucas, what are we going to tell Jas and Marcus?" you ask looking a bit worried. "It'll be fine, they'll be pleased". "They will? well yeah I guess Jas will be but I'm not so sure Marcus?" you asked looking confused. "y/n Marcus has been bugging me and teasing me to come and talk to you this past two weeks.", Lucas says laughing. "He has?" you ask. "Yeah all the time". He continues to kiss you.

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