Chapter Twenty One

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your lying in bed with Jas. she's on her phone posting photo's of her and Marcus by the HollyWood sign. "I told you that he likes you", Jas says still looking into her phone. "what do you mean?", you ask looking at her. "Lucas", she replies back. "what?, that was ages ago?". you say laughing. "yeah but still. always listen to your friends", she says. right after she says that Lucas and Marcus race through the door. Lucas picks you up. "LUCAS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?", you ask slightly screaming. he's wearing nothing but his swim shorts. he goes through the door to the pool room. "NO LUCAS PLEASE!", you say laughing but at the same time yelling. he holds you in his arms baby style. you wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face into his chest, so he wouldn't let you go. instead he too jumps into the pool with you in his arms. once you come up for a breather, there you see running your way is Marcus and Jas. they both jump into the pool. Lucas comes right next to you and gives you a quick kiss and then runs off to his room. you stand there in the pool astonished. Jas and Marcus are in the pool with you laughing their heads off. "what is wrong with your brother?", you ask starting to laugh. they just continue to laugh. you get out of the pool and head to the bathroom. you have a quick shower and get changed. you head down to the hallway and open the door to yours and Jas's room. you walk into Marcus and Jas litterally fucking. they look at you and then start to laugh. you let out a loud gag . "okay, you guys can have this room.", you say looking away. you walk back down the hallway to where Lucas is. you open the door and go and lay next to Lucas. "you walk into Marcus banging Jas?", he asks. "how'd you know?", you say. "let's just say that your not the only one". you look at him and laugh.

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