E i g h t

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The cell doors opened automatically,as they always did,Dan had never ran faster in his life,He ran to where he saw Phil,He wasn't there,Nothing was there,He ran to the first aid center and knocked on the door,The nurse opened the door,Dan walked passed her and searched the bed and chairs,No one was there,He pushed pass her again,Leaving an angry look on her face,He ran into the courtyard.

"HEY,You shouldnt be here yet!",A officer screamed.

Dan ignored him and carried on running,He ran past the small basketball cage and stopped suddenly,He saw a body laying on the concrete floor at the back of the cage,He ran over to it and saw Phil,He got onto his knees and took Phil in his arms.

"I said Sto-",The man ran over worriedly,"I'll get the nurse,stay here"

Dan nodded,He watched the officer run into the building.

"Phil,Phil,It's me,Please wake up",He shook him gently.

Phil's eyelashes fluttered,He opened them slightly.

"D-dan?",He whispered through a cracked voice,Putting a hand up to touch his face.

"It's me Phil",Dan took the black haired boy's hand in his and kissed It,"You're going to be okay"

"I-I lov-",He was cut off by the same nurse that Dan had annoyed and the officer.

"What Phil?,What did you say?!",Dan whispered.

Phil shook his head.

He watched Phil be taken away on a stretcher,The man that had got the nurse picked Dan up by his hands and walked with him to the canteen.

"How did you know?",He asked.

Dan shrugged.

"Not gonna talk to me,huh?"

Dan stayed silent.

"He will be okay,Y'know?"

The coffee-haired boy nodded.

"You guys are close then?"

"Yeah,Yeah,I guess"

The officer nodded and smiled,"I can see it"


"You two dating"

"Um",Dan felt his cheeks burning up,He bit his lip,"I really doubt it"

"You should see him in the staff room,He started daydreaming the whole time when you came"

"Really?",His eyes lit up.



Dan was allowed to visit Phil when he was able to talk properly. He walked in a saw Phil sitting in a hospital bed,He had tubes connected to his bare chest,Dan couldn't help looking.

"Hi Danny",Phil smiled.

"You seem pretty happy for someone who just got nearly beaten to death"

Phil shrugged,"Only 'cause you're here"

Dan smiled,Feeling his cheeks go red again,He walked over to the bed,"may I?",He gestured towards the bed.

Phil nodded as Dan sat on the end of the bed,Crossing his legs.

"Do they know that Gunther did it?"

Phil looked shocked,"How did you know?!"

"I couldn't sleep and I heard It,I saw a bit of him through the window"

"Oh,Well no, they don't know"

"They will"

"Dan you can't tell them,Gunther will come back for You!"

"Not if hes locked away"

Phil sighed,"fine".

Dan smiled,Putting his hand on Phil's,"I'm always right"

"Ha-ha",He replied sarcastically,smiling.

So...what did you want to tell me earlier?"


"When they ran over to us ans cut you off"

"Oh,It's nothing"

"Please tell me"

"I was going to say that",His voice turned into a whisper,"I l-love you"

Dan's eyes lit up,He leaned over to Phil slowly,"I love you to",He whispered back.

Phil put his hand on the back of Dan's hair and pulled the boy's head towards his,Their lips colliding,It was long and passionate.

Dan pulled away and smiled,"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For not giving up on me",Dan pulled Phil in again and kissed him.

"What are you doing?!",Reece interrupted at the sight of the officer and inmate kissing.

Dan pulled away,"I'm sorry"

"No,we're not sorry",Phil interrupted.

"You will be when the boss finds out!",He began running.

Dan jumped off the bed,Running after him,He jumped on him,Pinning him to the ground,"You will not tell anyone!,If you do I will be in here for murder,You hear me?!"

Reece nodded,shaking,
"o-okay,I won't tell anyone"

"Good",He let the man go.

When he walked back into the room,Phil raised an eyebrow at him.

"I sorted him out"


"I didnt hurt him,I just gave him a stern talking to"

Phil nodded, unsure,Intertwining their hands as Dan sat on the Chair beside him,Kissing it gently.

Flaws//Phan Book #1Where stories live. Discover now