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6 days left until Dan went home,until they were separated.

Phil had been planning ways to see him afterwards,He couldnt have a relationship with an inmate whether they were in prison or not,Well that's only if he wasn't a police officer..

Phil put paperwork down on his boss' desk,"I'm quitting in six days"


"I can't talk about it,I just need to quit in six days"

The chubby man nodded,"I get it"

"Thank you"

"Six days?"

"Six days",He walked out of the room.


"Dan...",Phil whispered in his sleep,"DAN!",He sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes,Putting his glasses on,He looked at his clock, 3:23am,He sighed heavily,flopping down on his bed,He looked at the clock again:



He couldnt sleep and had work in an hour,He couldn't cope with not being with Dan,Just the nights that he didn't have a shift were too much,He needed to be in the same building,He wanted to sleep in the same bed as him,cuddle into his warm chest,kiss him,He just wanted to love him freely.

"Why do I keep having these dreams?",He said aloud to himself,"why do I keep imagining Dan dying?"

Phil took himself to therapy the next free night he had.

"So,Philip,what's your problem?",The older woman asked,tapping a pen on her desk.

Phil tapped his foot anxiously,"I keep having this dream,the same one every time,It's about My boyf-about this perso-about my friend,He's trapped in a burning building,calling my name from the highest window'Phil!,Phil save me,please!'I go in to save him but find him dead,The building starts to collapse and then I....wake up"

She nodded slowly,Writing something on her notebook.

"What does it mean?"

"Dreaming of fire can mean many things,it can represent devastation, enthusiasm, passion, enlightenment, change, or anger. It could indicate that something is finally letting go of you,that you're making room for new possibilities"

"I...am letting something go,I can feel that I am,I just don't know what"

"What are you letting in?"


Flaws//Phan Book #1Where stories live. Discover now