Chapter 1

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Ηορε γου εηjογ τhε fιrsτ ᏟᏂᎯᏢᎢᏋᎡ!

<< Mikasa's P.O.V. >>

I was finally done working out, the Survey Corps 《 a/n: Scout Regiment, you'll see both of these names in this book but it's the same district were going on a mission soon, probably tomorrow. It was the middle of the day, and besides from being hot from the workout, it was hot in general. I grabbed my towel and started drying my forehead, I sighed lightly, "good workout.." I said to myself.

<< 3rd person P.O.V. >>

As Mikasa got cleaned up she heard the door open. "Huh?" She turned around and held her towel. "Mikasa..?" Eren walked in and his face practically turned red. "What?" She looked at him and put her towel around her neck. "I-umm... I wanted to tell you that the Scouts are having a.. Umm.... Meeting.. Thing....." He held his nose. "Who sent you?" Mikasa turned to him once again. "Umm..." Eren looked around. "You snuck out..?" She said with a blank expression. "I-"

Eren was cut off by Heichou Ackerman as he burst through the door. "Tch. Jaeger. What are you doing?" His voice was cold and he just stood there. "I was telling Mikasa about.. The scouts." Eren said, trying to hide his blush from them both. "Tch. Nobody sent you to, brat." Levi looked at him with his usual serious expression. "Yeah, well...-" Mikasa cut him off. "Thank you... I'll.. Get ready. Heichou." Levi nodded.

"Jaeger.. Go." He turned to him. "What?! Why?!!" Eren snapped slightly. "Tch. Just go, brat. You weren't dismissed anyways." Heichou Ackerman sighed. "Fine." Eren left and went back to the Scouts. As he did, Levi turned to Mikasa. a/n: in this story Levi is pretty straight forward and yeah, not like he'll ask Mikasa to have sex in 5 minutes but just normally.. Straight forward if that makes sense XD

みかさ' P.O.V.

"What?" I questioned Levi, he was just standing there.. No expressions.. Just there.. Staring at me. "Mikasa.. Would you let me work out with you sometime?" He just asked, randomly. My cheeks got slightly warm, I knew I had a light pink dusted on my cheeks, I was blushing very slightly. "Uhh.. Yeah, sure." That was my response. Nothing else. "Alright.. Thanks. Tch. So are you getting ready or what?" Levi came back to his cold self. I nodded. He just stood there.

"Yeah... I said I was getting ready and dressed." I said again, in case he didn't see me nod the first time. "Okay." He said, once again, Levi was just standing there.






"Tch. Well what do you want, brat?"

"Haven't you heard... Of PRIVACY?"

"Tch. Yes... Of course I have, brat."

"Then why don't you give me some?"

"Of what?" Levi smirked.

"HNNGGGG..... Some privacy. I need my privacy." I blushed deeply but looked away.

"Heh.. Yeah. No problem, brat." Levi simply just turned around. I sighed but changed, at least he wasn't looking. "Are you done yet?" He asked. "No. I just started getting dressed!" I looked at him while he was turned around. "Tch. Get moving." He snapped. I glared at him, "Okay." After I was done getting dressed, I tapped his shoulder. "I'm ready." Levi turned around, "Tch. About time, brat." He sighed and opened the door for us.

As we walked out, some of the scouts were looking at us shocked..? So the meeting was over, I guess. They saw us walk out the door, the fact that we were the only ones who walked out, I was blushing, and Levi was holding my hand to get me to walk faster, didn't help the looks.

<< Eren's P.O.V. >>

God... Where's Mikasa?! And Levi should be here! WHERE ARE THE- my thoughts were interrupted by Armin and Annie. "Hey Eren, where are they?" Armin asked. "I don't know! I went to get Mikasa but Levi told me to leave and I just did, I don't know why! But I'm wondering where, because they didn't come back." I let out a huge sigh. "Come on, we should look for them." Annie started walking as she finished her sentence.

Armin and I both nodded and started walking with the others. "Hmm.. Armin tell me if you see any of th-" I was once again interrupted. Some of us stood there in shock as the others kept walking. "W-what??" Was Annie's reaction. Armin just blushed a deep red and looked in shocked. I gritted my teeth but stood there. M-MIKASA?! WHAAAT?! My mind was fuming but also extremely confused.

Mikasa was walking with Levi, they JUST left the training area, a/n: shit ummm... Is that even the name? I forget XD Levi is holding her hand, Mikasa is blushing, and SHE'S WET?? I THOUGHT SHE GOT CLEANED UP! I SHOULD OF NEVER LEFT! THAT ASSHOLE THINKS HE CAN JUST- I'M GONNA KILL THIS BASTARD!

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