Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Wow a damn update, ABOUT TIME, MADDY. JESUS. So this chapter will include a mission so, it's probably gonna be pretty long and by the time I publish this, it's gonna be at least 2 or 3 days idk, but I'm try to get this out as soon as possible! 💜
______________________________ recap: I'M GOING TO KILL THIS BASTARD!

<< Annie's P.O.V >>

We watched Corporal Ackerman and Mikasa walk. Damn... Did they..? Have sex...? I mean Mikasa is blushing like she just saw him naked or something and she's.. Sweating.. Unless she was working out but I thought she did that yesterday.. Huh.. I looked at Eren, he was fuming with rage so I grabbed his arm, "Don't you get any bright ideas." I sighed and held him back. Armin helped too, we were both holding Eren back from literally attacking Levi.

"Stop holding me!" Eren pushed us off. "Well, you were enraged!" Armin still held onto his arm. "I'm fine!" He snapped. "Alright we'll let you go but don't act... Eren-like." I said blankly. Eren looked at me, "what the hell is that supposed to mean?!" He practically snapped at me like a dog. "Whatever." I sighed.

Mikasa must of heard Eren yell because she looked at us and blushed even more.

<< Mikasa's P.O.V. >>

I heard someone yell, but not just someone, it was Eren. I looked towards him and he was with Annie & Armin. I blushed even more because they were just staring at me and Eren looked angry, he was shouting, but I couldn't make the words out. After a few minutes of Levi pulling me as we walked, I gave in, held his hand back and walked normally. I took another glance at Eren, he got even more enraged that.. I held Levi's hand back..?

<< 3rd Person P.O.V. >>

          "Oi! Brat, I'm surprised you gave in." The corporal Ackerman walked to his office. "Tch..." Mikasa let out the sound Levi would usually make. "Hmm.. Never thought to hear that out of you either.." He mumbled his words quietly, as they reached his office door. "What are we doing at your office anyways?" Mikasa sighed. The captain then opened the door and walked inside, letting go of the young scout's hand.

"Well you missed out on our meeting, you're going to exercise even more." The corporal sighed and glared at the raven haired girl. "And training requires us to be in your office?" She said sarcastically. "Tch. I'm getting a broom." Levi grabbed his broom and walked towards the door once again. "I'm training with a broom?" She asked. "No, but if you keep talking and not walking, you'll clean the dining hall for the next 2 months, brat."

Mikasa flinched slightly and caught up with Levi. "Okay what's the first thing I'm doing?" She stopped jogging as they stopped at a field. "Combat, one on one." The captain took off his Survey Corps jacket. "Alright." Mikasa did the same, thought taking her shirt off as well, leaving her in a sports bra. A/N: lmao I don't care if they didn't have sports bra back then Heichou blushed lightly and took off his shirt, leaving the young female scout looking away, blushing.

"Well, brat? Are you ready?"

Time Skip to the next day because I'm lazy asf

<<Armin's P.O.V.>>

           I was woken up by captain Ackerman yelling, immediately, I shot up and hit my head. "Oww..." I muttered before standing up and quickly putting on my uniform. "Oi! Arlert! Get moving!" The corporal yelled again. "Coming, captain!" I hurriedly went to the door and walked out. A/N: btw.. I'll have Armin, Mikasa and Eren in the same squad, with Levi. And this is of course before the female Titan incident, getting there though

            "Tch." He walked back to the other scouts, as they saluted in unison. "Alright. We're going to-" he was cut off. "Leonhardt. Where is she?" The captain turned to me. "W-what? I don't know where she is, captain." I stood there, looking at the corporal with Mikasa and Eren. I wonder though, where is she?

         << 57. Expedition >>

          << Mikasa's P.O.V. >>

We took horses over to the forest, beyond the walls. As we got there, most of us got off of our horses and used our ODM gear to maneuver over to the trees, waiting for any flares to go in the air. A shot was heard, and a red flare was visible. "A Titan." I mumbled quietly to myself. A/N: okay. Here's the thing my lovely scouts, I don't remember what color they used to indicate that Titans were in that area XD I honestly haven't watched S1 in a long time and I've been watching *sorta, S2, E2 comes out tomorrow, April 8th. <-- this chapter will be out AFTERWARDS because over the weekend I didn't have wifi ;-; so yea I'm just writing so I can publish the chapters when I get home. ANYWAYSSSS~! I need to STOP. AND LET YOU READ. SORRY~! CONTINUE ON~!

"Oi! Ackerman! Think you can go check that flare out?" I heard the captain. "Yes!" I saluted and got on my horse, riding towards the flare.

Eren's P.O.V.

"Jaege-" the corporal was cut off. We heard steps, loud steps, running, sprinting, booming, shaking the ground below us. The horses started acting up, there was something going on. Annie is missing. Where is she? She can't be beyond the walls. There's no way, unless she came with us, Annie Leonhardt can't be outside of the walls. There's no shaking the fact that, whatever is coming this way, with its dead sprint, was... A Titan.

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Okay! Wasn't exactly too much to read after that long ass author's note! XD sorry! But hey! Did you enjoy the long chapter? 972 words, pretty long. Anyways next chapter will be more interesting, or at least that's what I think. Female Titan incident is taken over by my imagination. Hm. We'll see how it goes considering I'm a psychopath WHO KNOWS I MIGHT KILL ARMIN OFF.

Nah I'm totally joking! Armin is too precious⚜💜✨💜⚜

Till next time, my Scouts~!

~ (=゚ω゚)ノ author-chan 💜

*ahem. Correction: 1,026 words*

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