Chapter 6- Bipolar

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Yayyy! Chapter 6!

        [ RECAP: "You.... Mikasa, was it~?" ]

        Mikasa glared daggers at Yuriko. "Yes, what do you want?" Her words didn't even sound like a question, it was more of a demand. "Crush on your captain, don't ya~?!" Yuriko smirked and looked to her side, finding a captain just as shocked as the mentioned soldier. "Crush on my captain? In your dreams." Mikasa crossed her arms and stated her sentence coldly.

        "Really~? Then you won't mind if... I kissed him, now would yoou~?" Kanai looked at Levi with a mischievous grin. "Not even in your fucking dreams, brat." He glared at Yuriko as she suddenly had a hurt expression. "But-" Yuriko was cut off. "We don't need your shit. Mikasa, take this brat to headquarters." Levi told her. Kanai sighed as she was being pulled away by Mikasa.

        After she was sat down, Commander Erwin interrogated Yuriko.


"Yuriko Kanai."




"Captain of the Raven Regiment."

"What is the 'Raven Regiment'?"

"An elite corps striving for glory. We separated from the rest of humanity, and created our own military force. Like you, we built 60 feet tall walls, but unlike you.. We only have one. Since we don't have to support the majority of the human race. The Raven Regiment is like the Scouting Legion... Just better. How? We have more technology. We use 3DMG gear that uses propellers to be able to stay in the air for up to 5 minutes without latching to trees and such every 5 seconds. The tanks are decent in size, so we don't run out of steam very often when we go on missions."

"What do you do in the Raven Regiment?"

"Same thing you guys do in the Survey Corps."

"Why did you even create the Raven Regiment, when you could join the Scouting Legio-"

"NO! NEVER! YOU PEOPLE IN THE SCOUT REGIMENT ARE ALL FILTHY RATS! THE RAVEN CORPS IS MUCH BETTER! WHY HAVE I COME HERE?! TO EXTERMINATE YOU ALL! Us in the Raven Regiment are striving to take down.. The Scout Regiment~ we don't have a problem with the Garrison Regiment, or the Military Police... Our only issue is you."

"What do you mean?"

"You see, if only the Survey Corps didn't exist, we Ravens would be leading the missions, and WE'D be the top Military Force. With our advanced technology, we have more of a chance at Titans than all of you combined~!"

            "Yuriko Kanai. 27. Captain of the Raven Regiment. Bipolar ass. Tch." Levi analyzed to himself, unaware that Mikasa listened. She let out a soft chuckle. "Oi! What's so funny?" He demanded. "Bipolar ass? Gold." Mikasa stated, another chuckle escaping her lips. "Tch.." The Corporal said in embarrassment.

<<1 year later time skip, don't kill me, probably the only major time skip in this whole fanfic>>

           ♡三笠's P.O.V.

          Ever since last year, we haven't heard of Yuriko or even the Raven Regiment. We were glad, she was a bipolar ass. I sat up in my bed, the barracks were silent. I guess nobody else is awake.. I thought. Suddenly, I heard someone shuffle. "Mm?" I hummed as I turned to look at Ymir's bed. "Morning, Mikasa." She said bluntly. "Hey.." I replied, just as blunt. "Oi! I got a question." ((S P O I L E R S)) the Titan shifter asked, earning a nod.

         "Did you really have sex with the captain?" Ymir leaned on her pillow. My face reddened as my eyes went wide.

         "T-that was a year ago!" The heat in my face grew, as I replied quickly, waving my hand in front of my face. "So... By that you mean that you did... Just a year ago, hm?" Ymir had a big smirk on her lips now.

             ఇYmir's P.O.V.

          Hehe... Mikasa totally smashed the captain. I just know it! A smirk crept on my lips as Mikasa answered hurriedly. "N-no! I didn't mean that! We never-- like- we never did THAT!" She then huffed and fell back on her bed, officially giving up on trying to answer me.

            "Man.. So you didn't?" I asked, honestly disappointed a little. Man! I wanted to tease this kid! But ehh.. I guess it was just a rumor after all.. But it was fun seeing her flustered up like that, you usually don't see that of her. "Hey... Remember Yuriko?" I asked, bored out of my mind. "Mhm... What a psychopath." Mikasa rolled her eyes slightly.

          "Tell me about it... I heard that during the interrogation with Commander Erwin she randomly started yelling but then talked normally again." I fidgeted with my hands, waiting for a response from Mikasa. "Yeah.. Then the Corporal called her a bipolar ass." She chuckled lightly. "Huh.. Did he?" I chuckled along with her. "That suits her."

         Mikasa nodded, letting out a sigh. "Yeah.. It does. God, I would of gotten so aggressive with her, but Corporal Levi acted up before I could personally discipline her."


OMG CHAPTER 6 IS FINISHED! It actually isn't that long because it's only 800+ words.. And I usually write 1,000 or more.. But yeah.. A CHAPTER~!

I hope you guys don't mind the OC, Yuriko, the new military force, and just all of the twists...

I honestly spent like 3 or more days planning out just  the description of the Raven Regiment that I had to include in this chapter.. So it took a lot of work, and that's why I'm worried that you guys won't like it ()

But anyways! Thank you so much for the support on this fanfic! I'm trying to give the best chapters I can

Also you can ask me anything on any of my Instagram accounts~!



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