Chapter 4

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Honestly, you should start playing the music as soon as you start reading, I think it's better that way, but you start it whenever you want ♥︎

RECAP: "I can't die. I won't die. NOT YET!"
Mikasa's P.O.V.
I gathered all of my strength and managed to get up. My swords <<A/N: lmao they call them swords right? XD I need to start paying more attention or just re-watch everything>> were split, so I replaced the blade. "... Tch." The Titan kept running towards the other scouts and captain. I started sprinting and shot my 3DMG at a tree trunk and latched it.

I caught up to the female Titan and shot more steam, maneuvering myself over to the other cadets. "Mikasa!" Armin called to me, but the captain stopped him from moving forward. "Arlert, don't move." Levi ordered him.

♦︎3rd Person P.O.V.♦︎

         As Mikasa began to get closer to the other cadets, the female Titan started to attack the scouts that tried to slay it. Eren was still hesitant about turning into a Titan, though captain Levi told him if that's what he wanted to do, then so be it. "Captain! So many of our cadets are getting killed..!" Cried Petra as she hurried as fast as she could on her horse. "Ral, just keep focused on driving the female Titan out of here." Corporal Ackerman stated.

A/N: okay so~! As you've obviously seen, this isn't how the female Titan incident went, or at least most of it idk I don't remember XD I've been watching S2 X3 so yeah this is gonna be basically like my own version of it and honestly I don't remember if Petra wanted to go and try to kill the Titan or if she was ordered to do so.. Andddd.. I'm just gonna make her choose her fate. But there is gonna be a rival included in this series for Mikasa as she starts getting closer to Levi, it's just that it's not Petra, Hanji, Historia, Ymir, Annie, and basically not anyone that's been created by Hajime Isayama. Sooo.. Expect dark Ravens..~

"Captain... Please...! Please let me go..! I could try to hurt the female Titan and.. Maybe... Just maybe..! It'll save lives!" Petra looked at Levi with eyes filled with determination. "Tch.. Fine." The corporal nodded and kept riding his horse. Petra smiled brightly, then her face grew serious, she shot her maneuver gear and flew to the Titan. As she was about to attack her, the female Titan outsmarted Petra and it got a hold of her. "A-ahh!! L-let me go..!" Tears filled the light brown haired girl as she struggled in the female titan's tight, firm hold.

<<The following section includes in-detail depictions of violence and gore. If you're sensitive to those kinds of things, you can skip it. You know how it'll end anyways.>>

Annie looked at Petra, of course, who was in pain, blood starting to drip along Petra's arm as her bones were being broken. A crack could be heard as Petra screaming in agony. Blood started to ooze out of the young girl's mouth, as her eyes became red and she lost blood circulation in her muscles. Petra couldn't move at all, the female Titan squeezed her even more, making Ral a bloody mess. As she began to break Petra even more, the ginger haired girl's blood dripped to the ground, leaving blood splatters all over the green grass below.

The female Titan then took a hold of Petra's arm, pulling it. The young scout screamed even more as her flesh was being ripped from her body. More blood began to run into the air, and on the ground. Next, it was her leg. Petra heard the sound of her own bones being broken apart by the ginormous creature, she felt like she couldn't scream anymore, her voice was hoarse as she still tried screamed. Petra's flesh dropped to the ground as her leg was being amputated.

Soon, the Titan grabbed a hold of Petra more gently as she placed her in her giant hand. "... h..aa..hh.." The light brown haired scout managed to get only a pained sigh from her lips. And then... Petra felt nothing. Nothing at all as the female Titan ripped open her chest. Leaving her organs fully exposed, the creature broke her ribs and took out her intestines, lungs, and finally. Petra Ral's heart.

<<End of violent/gory section>>

Annie Leonhardt then took Petra's lifeless body and threw it to the ground, continuing her running towards the other scouts. As the Titan was violently killing Petra Ral, the other scouts got an advantage to keep running.


Mikasa's P.O.V.

As the remaining scouts sat on tree branches, obviously tired from the female Titan incident, I saw a shadow of someone moving swiftly with... Maneuver gear along the trees. At first I thought it was just someone from another squad, but definitely not Corporal Ackerman's. His whole squad got killed during the female Titan attack.

I didn't exactly pay much attention to it. But... It didn't feel right. For some reason, I felt like that wasn't anyone from the Scout Regiment, the Military Police, or Stationary Guard. Which of course, neither the Military Police nor the Stationary Guards could be out here, this was for the Survey Corps to handle. Soon, Captain Levi called us to retreat back to Wall Rose. ((A/N: that's correct, right? Lmao I seriously need to rewatch Season 1...))

Something was off with that person in the woods. Now that I think about it, the cloak didn't look like the Scout Regiment's. It was somewhat longer, it didn't look green, more so a black color, but then again it could be from the shadows of the giant trees. "Mikasa... Are you okay?" I heard Eren's familiar voice. I turned to him slowly and nodded. "Yeah.. I'm fine."

"You sure? It doesn't look like it.. You look spaced out." He put a hand on my shoulder which caused me to smile a little. "Yeah. I'm fine, Eren, I promise," and with that, I went to the cabins where we sleep. Obviously, the girl's cabin. I changed to something more comfortable which was just a shirt without any bottoms but underwear. Thought nobody cared, we're all girls here anyways. As I fell asleep, my mind kept wandering back to that mysterious person in the woods.

WOW A FREAKING UPDATE! I'm so sorry for the lack of.. Everything! I've been pretty busy and also pretty lazy~ and I'm sorry! So I just wanted to make this chapter extra long for you guys, unless this is my normal length, but oh well! I made sure that the story was more than 1000 words, so yeah, please forgive me! And I'll see you on the next update~ Byee~!

Stay Creepy~

~Author-Chan ♥︎ ( ༠ཅ༠)

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