Ch. 2 - Radio

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A/N: hallo. Hey I actually have time to write cuz like I'll write 1 chapter then disappear for a month then write another chapter loooll.
This story I'm actually gonna try and develop kinda slowly because I was reading my previous stories and didn't like how they developed.

Song: Fxxk it by BIGBANG (I DO NOT own the song

I feel like this song suited this chapter perfectly idk why I also just really love bigbang

Taehyung - top
Yoongi - bottom
R18 in later chapters.

Warning: this story takes place in OMEGAVERSE, it contains dirty humor, sexual things, and slight language.

Taehyung woke up and went to the restroom. He brushed his teeth and washed his face before going to wake Yoongi up.
"Hey, wake up." He lightly smacked Yoongi with a pillow.
Yoongi winced and sat up. He looked at the alarm clock that read: 8:42 a.m.
"Shouldn't you have gone to work already?" Yoongi yawned.
"My mom said she wanted us to bond more so she got me work off for a couple of weeks."
Taehyung explained while slipping on a shirt and a pair of jeans. He tossed Yoongi a sweater and some pants.
"My mom bought those for you, this morning. Hurry and get ready, I'll be downstairs."
Taehyung grabbed his phone and walked out.

Yoongi washed his face, brushed his teeth and hair, and changed his clothes, then headed downstairs.

Taehyung was on his phone scrolling through something.
"Where do you want to go? Movie theater, park, restaurant?" He asked.
"I don't mind."
"Be honest with me~" Taehyung chuckled.
"I really don't mind."
"I want to spoil you today, tell me where you want to go."
"...the movies..." Yoongi gave in.
"And then?"
"An ice cream shop and maybe the mall."
Taehyung laughed again.
"Ok, let's eat some first."

Taehyung pulled a chair out for Yoongi and set some food out for him. While they ate they talked about which movies they wanted to see and which stores they wanted to go to.

When they finished, Taehyung grabbed his car keys and led Yoongi to his car.
He looked up directions to a movie theater, on his phone, before starting to drive there.
"So what type of music do you like?" Taehyung asked while turning on the radio.
"I don't mind, but I typically like hip hop."
Taehyung switched to the 'Top Hits' and quietly sung along to the songs.
"You're pretty good." Yoongi complimented.
"I like to think so." Taehyung laughed again before turning the radio up a little bit. The rapping part of the song came up and Yoongi tapped his fingers on his leg to prevent rapping along.
"You can sing or rap too, I won't judge you~"
"But it's embarrassing in front of someone else."
"It's almost over."

Fuck it.

Yoongi started rapping along to the song, not missing one beat and pronouncing everything correctly. The bridge came and that's when the rap ended and Taehyung started singing again. Another song came on, and another, and another to which Taehyung sang to and Yoongi rapped to.

When they got to the theater Taehyung turned the car off.
"You're pretty good, MinMin."
"Thanks, you're good at singing but I recommend you lay off the rapping." Yoongi joked around as Taehyung laughed.
"Then you better promise to lay off the singing."
"Deal." Yoongi chuckled.
"Alright, let's go in." Taehyung grabbed his keys and phone and went in with Yoongi. They bought tickets to the movie and went to the room.
They watched a romantic drama movie.

After the movie, they started heading to an ice cream shop.
"You're so wimpy." Yoongi teased when they headed out.
"I can't help it! It's a sad movie."
"Here..." Yoongi wiped away Taehyung's tears with his hand. Taehyung responded by grabbing Yoongi's hand and kissing the palm.
"What the heck..." Yoongi whispered, half blushing.
"Thank you~" Taehyung whispered before picking Yoongi up and slinging him over his shoulder.
"What the hell? Taehyung, put me down!"
Taehyung ignored him and started walking towards an ice cream shop.
"Be quiet you're attracting attention."
"Then put me down!"
Taehyung slapped Yoongi's butt.
"Wh-! TAE!"
Taehyung laughed before setting Yoongi down at the entrance of an ice cream shop.
"You said you wanted to go here, right?"
"Well you didn't have to carry me here."
"It's more fun that way." Taehyung laughed again.
They went inside to order ice cream then walked out and looked around to other stores they wanted to go to.

"Do you have a phone?" Taehyung looked over at Yoongi.
"No, I don't have one."
"I'll buy you one."
"Well that's unnecessary."
"I want to be able to contact you whenever."
Taehyung led Yoongi to an electronics store and looked around at models.
"Here, it's the same one I have. It's durable and long lasting. It should be good. Just pick a color."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I like black."
"Ok." Taehyung bought the phone for Yoongi and a SIM card then gave it to him. They walked out and sat on a bench so Taehyung could help Yoongi set up the phone. They were almost done until someone approached them.
Yoongi looked up at his name being called.
"Oh my gosh, it is you!"
Taehyung put his arm around Yoongi.
"Who are you?" Taehyung asked, not too kindly.
"He's my....ex-boyfriend." Yoongi hid a little.
"Who's this?" Yoongi's ex asked.
"I'm his new boyfriend." Taehyung stated.
"Wow you already moved on, Yoongi?"
"It wasn't hard." Yoongi stated, bluntly.
"What do you mean?" His ex asked.
Taehyung noticed how uncomfortable Yoongi was around this man.
"Hey, we have things to do so...we'll leave first, bye."
Taehyung grabbed Yoongi's hand and walked away.

When they got to a far enough distance Taehyung asked.
"Who was that? And why were you so uncomfortable around him?"
"He was my ex back where I used to work. He had a higher position than me so he just...abused his power."
"Did he rape you?"
"No! He didn't go that far, but he did make me do other things."
"Like what?"
"Be his boyfriend, make me do sexual stuff." Yoongi looked like he was about to cry.
"That's enough, you don't have to say anything else." Taehyung kissed Yoongi's hand to comfort him. Yoongi simply nodded and kept walking.
"Well, you said you wanted to go shopping right? I know a good clothing store!" Taehyung smiled his brightest smile to cheer Yoongi up, which worked. He saw Yoongi crack a small smile then hide his face. It was cute, the way he reacted. Too cute for Taehyung. He nearly exploded.

They walked to the store and tried on some clothes. When they finished, Yoongi had maybe 12 bags full with new clothes.
"We didn't need to buy much!"
"It's ok, I said I wanted to spoil you." Taehyung chuckled carrying 8 bags with no problem.
"I can carry some more bags."
Taehyung looked at Yoongi's small physique and knew that he was just saying that to be nice.
"It's alright~"

They walked out to the car and put Yoongi's clothes in the trunk.
"Now what?"
"Do you like bars?" Taehyung looked at the time. It was an appropriate time to head to the bar.
"Not the one I used to go to. It was all gross and the drinks were terrible."
"Well you might like the one I go to. Hop in."
Taehyung went to the drivers seat and started driving to a bar.
"You'll meet my friends, alright?"
"Yeah, ok..." Yoongi sounded calm, but he was freaking out on the inside. How would his friends react to him being Taehyung's mate. Taehyung was rich, successful, handsome, social, talented. And Yoongi was just some guy who didn't know how to keep a job.

Taehyung saw the worry on his face and turned the radio on so Yoongi could relax.
A song started playing, to which Taehyung sang and Yoongi rapped.

A/N: erm. Idk I had to have some conflict in this story so I just threw the ex in lmao.
I have no words rn.
I'm tired and I have to do my work but I'm stalling loolll
Till then~

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