Chapter 9

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I wake up to the same hospital bedroom, numerous machines beside me, a faint beeping of my heart rate, and the only other sounds to be heard are the scratching of wheels outside, with a few honks here and there.

There was a strange quietness around me yet it did not felt so quiet. "You are awake." I hear a voice and it takes me two seconds to realize that the voice belongs to none other than Stacy.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her. I hear a deep breath, and in the time being check the time. 2:14 a.m.

"I came to see you," she says in a strained voice. "At 2:14 a.m." I state to her.

"No, I came at 11:30 p.m. I could not sleep knowing that you were in a hospital bed, and God knows how hurt you were," she says very quietly. I go silent, this is the girl sitting beside my bed who I dated these last two years, the girl who would do anything I say in a heartbeat, the girl who never looked at any other boy for those two years, and had eyes for only me, who gave her heart to me, this is the girl that I broke up with, just because I realized I don't actually love her but love Uriyel instead, I don't like her as much as I like Uriyel, and it did not even take me two weeks to destroy everything we had, and yet she is sitting here beside my bed in the middle of the night, even after what I did to her, what I did to us.

"I am sorry Stacy." I mutter with guilt. "I am sorry that I had to end it that way and so suddenly." I continue apologizing, and not even a moment later, I feel her arms come around me. She puts her head on my chest lightly, trying not to hurt me and I am shocked by her sudden display of affection. To be honest I should not have been shocked because Stacy has been always one of those girls who wears their heart on their sleeve and never thinks twice before pouring their heart out and showing affection.

I awkwardly pat her back with my free hand and she lets go of me slowly.

"I uh I..I am sorry I should not have done that." She stammers and I cannot help but find it adorable. She gets flustered over the littlest of things.

"It's okay. Just think before you act on impulse the next time." I tell her and try to have a look at her face, as it's very dim and the only light on is the one outside my hospital room. "Yeah, I mean yes. But Aden can we not get back together after you are discharged from here? I will do anything. Just please don't do this. I will be left all alone, now at school as well." She pleads, a few tears escaping past her eye and falling on my hand. "Stacy please, please try to understand I can't, I don't want to do this but it's better to face the reality and the reality is I don't like you the way you think I do, I care about you but all I can give you is my friendship, nothing more than that." I say with a final tone of sympathy.

She looks at me and then leaves the room in a hurry.

I can still feel the wetness of her teardrops on my hand. As I wipe them away, I think that I not only broke heart of Uriyel but Stacy's as well, two people in such a short span of time. Isn't it wonderful that even in a little amount of time, so many lives have been affected by my stupid, rash, impulsive decisions and behaviour? Firstly Uriyel's, then my mom and dad (yes, I could sense the tension in the morning, I didn't act that mean, I did not realize it, but somethings are better to be left alone), now Stacy's and talking about mine, I am lying on a hospital bed. What else is left?


Stacy's P.O.V.

I was all alone again, there was no one home, it was the usual routine, pay me visits on weekends, take me to fancy diners and parties then back again to week long trips. My parents run their own business and are multi-millionaires. As a result, they are barely home and barely have time for me. For them, spending a little quality time with me as a proper family is waste of worthy chores, and so they rarely give time to me, but then in the meantime, I met Aden, sweet, cute, goofy, clever yet dumb at the same time, loving and a great person.

We became friends and soon friendship turned into something more, something more beautiful. I fell in love with him and we started to date, the feeling of being left alone was now locked away in the back of my brain, I was no longer alone, I had Aden with me, the boy who gave me all the attention I needed. But soon I started to realize that it was not what I thought, he had eyes for only one girl all this time, Sabrine Uriyel Nirvana, his supposed archenemy, the girl he spent nights thinking about to execute the perfect prank. Yet I failed to notice how his plans never involved harming her in any way, yet hers were brutal, she once threw honey at him and threw stone at the beehive in our school garden. In the end he was seriously bitten, yet he did not do the same, instead he just put cockroaches in her bag.

And yet he failed to notice his affection for her, and now after she's gone , his feelings have skyrocketed, he has realized what I saw one week after we started dating.

And right now he's in the hospital and I blame her. It's because of her he's in the hospital. If you're thinking, how do I know about this? Well, I got a call from Derek earlier and he told me, I would have gone then but I needed time to process the news and other than that he broke up with me.


Yet here I am in the middle of the night sitting beside his bed in the hospital because I could not sleep without knowing if he's fine or not.

When I see movement in his eyes and his fingers fluttering a little, I speak aloud yet quietly, "You are awake."

After two seconds of silence, he answers, "What are you doing here?" I take a deep breath.

"I came to see you." I reply in a strained voice. "At 2:14 a.m." he states.

"No, I came at 11:30 p.m. I could not sleep knowing that you were in a hospital bed, and god knows how hurt you were." I say very quietly.

He goes silent, and after five long and agonizing minutes, I hear him mutter, "I am sorry Stacy."

"I am sorry that I had to end it that way and so suddenly." He continues apologizing, and I don't waste a moment engulfing him in a hug.

He awkwardly pats my back, a clear indication that he's uncomfortable and so I let go of him slowly .

"I uh I..I am sorry I should not have done that." I stammer.

"It's okay. Just think before you act on impulse the next time." He tells me.

"Yeah, I mean yes. But Aden can we not get back together after you are discharged from here? I will do anything. Just please don't do this. I will be left all alone, now at school as well." I plead, a few traitorous tears escaping past my eye and falling on Aden's hand.

"Stacy please, please try to understand I can't, I don't want to do this but it's better to face the reality and the reality is I don't like you the way you think I do, I care about you and all I can give you is my friendship, nothing more than that," he says with a final tone which has nothing apart from sympathy in it.

I get up and leave him there to find solitude.

Hello, I hope you liked this chapter as well and I know I am like a day late with my update, but I am really sorry, I am thinking of going into a writer's block or Hiatus, as I just don't know whether what I am writing is even good or worth my time.

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