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The days went by, but nothing was the same. My dad disagreed to let me drop out of school and Mom and Dad had fights every now and then.

I stopped taking part in any activities, social gatherings and parties. I would still go out occasionally with Derek and Dexter to take my mind off things but it was never enough. Every tiny thing reminded me of Uriyel and soon I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety.

I was sent to group therapy on alternate days where they tried enlightening our lives and explained us that everything happens for a reason. I started to believe them, that maybe because of my silly mistakes this is happening, and maybe I'm not supposed to be with Uriyel.

I started to accept the fact that love is just a figment of one's imagination, love is an illusion, love is merely a fantasy which people have created for their own satisfaction and enjoyment but yet at the back of my mind one question always haunted me. Will We Meet Again?

Yaaayyaa finally ! I finished this book, or I must say I wrapped this book up now.

What are your thoughts about the ending ?

What do you think love is ?

I would love to hear your thoughts about this book so do share them with me lovelies <3

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