Chapter 4: Hunter

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"GOOD MORNING!" Screamed Venus.

Dale eyes shot open, and realized that he was on the wooden floor.


"But I like the floor.." Dale grumbeled

"Dude you have a bruse on your head"

"No I don't" Dale lied

"Yah sure." Venus scoffed.

It was as if the conversation they had last night did not exist. But Dale's mind was still alive.

During the early hours of the day, Venus and Dale sneaked out of the village to avoid any attention.

"So where will be going next?" Venus asked.

"I'm guessing Mayrìn city?" Dale exclaimed

"What!? B-but didn't mother say not to go there?" Venus questioned "and that place VERY dangerous for us monster, we could get kil-"

"STOP!" Dale snapped, "you didn't let me finish. During the middle of the night a messenger came and brought me this," Dale pulled out a gold envelope with a crimson trimming around the edges, and in fancy Jet-Black cursive, it read:

To: Queen Reed Whiterose

Date: Green Ses. 173; 9007

From: King Orrin La' BlackVail

"W-wha? This was"

"Ten years ago..." Dale finished.

"What does this mean?"Venus questioned.

"Let's read it" Dale Answered

Dear Reed Whiterose of monsters,

After the execution of your husband I am telling you to stand down! Out of the kindness of my heart I will let you live in my prison cells for the rest of your life, and not kill you. But if you decline surrender, I must come to kill you, for you broke law number 1 of the national land of Nahalla "Monsters and Humans must never enter a relationship of more than area 2 (friendship) this is forbidden, those who break this law, will have life behind bars or execution"

If this letter is not sent in the next moon, death will be your answer."

Sincerely, King Orrin

Dale finished off.

"S-so that is why?" Venus questioned

"I guess so"Dale said


After reading the letter both Venus and Dale wanted to forget what they read, so Dale broke the silence.

"Hey! Why don't we just teleport closer to Mayrín city!" Dale exclamated nervously.

"Ok! BUT please don't go more than ten miles, you know how tired you get when you travel that long." Venus huffed.

Dale sighed, he didn't like it when his sister nagged at him, even when he is the older brother.

"Okey I will." Dale mocked.

Dale raised his hand, and with a few uttered word Venus and Dale vanished in a flash of red and blue. When Venus and Dale got to the new area Dale landed face first on the snow. And just laid there.

"WHAT THE HECK!" Venus yelled in dissatisfaction

"I TOLD YOU, NOT MORE THAN TEN MILES!" Venus started kicking Dales sides while he was still on the floor

"Ow ow ow ow" Dale winced each time. Dale finally go up with a bruse on his side.

"Heh heh heh... I might of did eleven??? Miles????... IM SORRY!!!" Dale was on his knees and bowing down, Venus still kept her angry face on.

Dale finally got up, and swiped off the extra snow off of his shorts and jacket. And then proced to walk backwards while looking at Venus.

Suddenly behind a bush a young girl jumped out with a sharp bone knife. She swiftly pinned Dale to the ground, and before Venus could release her magic, the girl yelled "MAUCA NOW!" And out of the brown leaves near the trees, a giant red fox with old burns over it's back pinned Venus also to the ground, snarling at the human feline.

Venus and Dale where very much shocked but with a quick reaction, Venus knocked off the fox, stood up, and then got into a defensive position. Dale had to get the knife away, so he grabbed her hand and at the same time the girl was letting go of the knife, for Dale was grabbing her hand in a way for her to let go. When the knife was loose, Dale threw the knife into a bush, and knocked off the attacker, and also was in a defense position.

Both where about to release there magic when suddenly;


Dale and Venus toned down there charge, and then the girl started to get in her knees.

"I... am so sorry!" Pleaded the girl.

"What?" Venus snarled

"I'm so very sorry! C-can we make peace, again I am so so sorry" pleaded the girl.

"How can we trust you. I mean you nearly stabbed me!" Dale growled.

"I have an excuse! I am hunting right now, and... your ears looked... like animals...and...ummm... am I offending you?" Worried the girl.

Dale and Venus both had a very triggered face.

"oh god, I'm so so so sorry again! Let's take this from the top. My name is June and I am hunting with this fox,her name is Mauca." said June.

The she-fox started sniffing both Venus and Dale, as greetings.

Venus growled at the fox, and out of fear, the fox jumped back.

"Ha...ha"June laughed nervously

"Anyways, a tax collector came to our village with all of these thorn wounds and a broken arm, he said that a monster attacked him. When he said what did kind of magic the monster used, I wanted to find him. Because my town is under a curse..." June explained

"A curse?" Dale and Venus exclaimed at the same time

"Yes A Curse. Kong-roh The Head Eater, had kept our village in hostage, every full moon he sneaks out of his cave and steals one of our villagers. It does not matter if the person is young, old, sick, Kong-roh will take anyone."

"So you want this monster to kill the other monster?" Venus questioned

"Yes, but this is mostly to get my twin sister back..." June's eyes started getting wet.

"S-she was the o-one that Kong-roh t-took. She is very important to the village. May, my sister, can use magic."

"M-magic?!" Dale exclaimed

"Yes Magic, when the war finally ended my sister suddenly gained magical powers. Powers that can conjure herbs and plants that can heal wounds and disease, without her; sickness could spread and wipe out the rest of us." June explained darkly.

"O-oh sorry I was rambling, but again if you find this monster please tell me" June smiled.

June was about to walk off, untill Venus grabbed June's sleeve to stop her.

"My brother here is the monster you are looking for..."

A/N: This one took me forever, but I think it turned out p good (*☻-☻*)

Adventures Of Dale and Venus- Book 1 Unleashed & WildWhere stories live. Discover now