God bless American Axel!

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So I turnt six and Paul told me when I was there two people and a boy will be waiting for me and showed me what the two people looked like and said to me " these two lovely people are going to be your fostered parents! And this little boy here is your age his name is Axel Chains. He is your foster brother and Axel dad looks exact like you! By the way Benatar have a nice flight and enjoy America!" I said " I will!" And ran to my plane.

I was so freaking happy I was jumping in my plane seat with joy and I thought of what Paul said about Axel, what if he don't like me what if he doesn't want me to be his brother? I was scared and excited at the same time.

I flew out of England and landed in America. I got my suitcase and saw my new family members. And Axel he was a silent boy like me and his dad looked like my dad he smiled and said "welcome to the family Benatar." I smiled and Axel Mum hugged me and kissed my forehead and Axel oh my God you won't believe this he hugged me and said "welcome to the family bro that's so metal dude!" I know right fucking crazy!!!!

So I got into the car with my new family and Axel asked me questions like what happened between my mum and dad, so I told him he was really shocked and said "wow dude for someone like my age to experience that is hard work , I'm so glad your here though I always wanted a brother like you. Your nice, my other twin! That's awesome right?!"

Goddammit I love Axel he makes me laugh!😂😂😂

So the summer holidays had to end and I went to my first primary school in America with Axel and me and him were really close, I was really quite once again but Axel was the loud crowed and I had a good old giggle at him as he was pretty much a class clown. He ended up with a girlfriend at the age of 6 already! Like what the hell he 6 not 16!!

Anyways I didn't want to get in Axel way of his girlfriend I made one Friend and and her name is Clara she had pink hair and her uniform for a 6 year old is damn sexy.. Sorry I stop that Goddammit!

Anyways we bonded really well in school Axel saw me with Clara and Axel said to Clara"hello Clara going out with my brother Ben then?" Clara replied "no Axel me and Benatar are only friends." Axel jumped in and said "HA HA HA CLARA IS GOING OUT WITH MY BROTHER!" Clara ran off crying. I got angry with Axel and screamed "WHAT THE HECK IS YOUR PROBLEM BRO SHE MY ONLY FRIEND AND NOW SHE WON'T HANG OUT WITH ME ANYMORE!!! THAT'S IS AXEL CHAINS SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND TAKE A SEAT YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!"

Everyone was shocked in the playground, even Axel was shocked Axel said " woah Benatar dude, that shocked me I thought your a really quiet boy.. I back away from you now.." "Sorry Clara.." And walked away.
That was my first arguement with Axel when I spoke up for myself.

And to be honest I was quite proud of myself!

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