The trip home

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So I went home after shouting at Axel, he wasn't happy at all Axel said to me "Bro you really made me look like a idiot in front of my girlfriend there.. that's kinda not cool.." So I replied " Axel I'm sorry but embarrassing me and Clara like that was not a good thing to do anyways I don't have feelings for Clara and Clara doesn't have feelings for me. So please Axel don't make me look stupid in front of everyone again." " okay benatar I am sorry." He said and we got on fine for the rest of the trip.

When we got home Axel was crying in his bed, "what's wrong Axel? Did I do something wrong?" I said. He says " No ben it's my girlfriend she doesn't like me anymore she found someone new already she broke up with me.." I hugged him and said " Bro you 6 not 16." And Axel looked at me and started to laugh at me..

That was the first time I made Axel smile..

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