our life today

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Guys we ain't arrested don't worry😂😂😂😂

Anyways, our life's have changed.. Puff has a girlfriend and has 2 children and they are a happy family, Deejay has a wife and 5 children which is fucking crazy but I get into one of Deejay kid in a minute and Axel has a girlfriend who is pregnant with a baby girl which I'm really excited about as I be an uncle!!!

As for me I am still with Clara and got married and we have 1 girl aged 16 1 boy who 11 and another girl who is in Clara stomach ;) and about Deejay kid he has a son at the same age as my daughter and them two are currently dating so me and Deejay are gonna be responsible dad's and our life's as a band is very good :)

And this is my life story I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did telling you about it have a good day guys Xxx

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