2 | Electric Shock

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"Are you following me, or what?"

You shrieked and fell back onto your bottom.
"He! Why were you following me?", the boy asked again, this time more demanding, clasping one hand around the shaft of the sword behind his back.
"I...I...I...just...", you tried to stutter out a decent excuse but ended up making an 'uh'-sound.
"Oh my, are you one of these Yiga shits!?", he groaned annoyed. Then he sighed and put a hand to his forehead and shook his head. "Please, just one day without any trouble. I was so close" He went on muttering things to himself, giving you the chance to stand up and brush off the dirt of your clothes.
"If it helps you, I don't belong to the Yiga-Clan", I informed him quickly.
He abruptly stopped the monologue and turned his head in your direction.
"Then... who are you?" His voice was filled with confusion which you could actually understand.
You tried to lighten the mood and grinned at him slightly.
"(Y/N)'s the name and I'm a treasure hunter!" You reached your hand out, waiting for him to shake it. He hesitated, not even thinking about touching you and watched you with narrowed eyes but eventually spoke up. "Link."
"So, why were you stalking me?", he asked again.
You held your hands up in defence. "I wasn't stalking you! I just wondered what someone would want here, in the middle of nowhere", you explained, hoping he would believe you. And it appears he did. He relaxed a bit and didn't seem so hostile anymore.
"Well, since you don't seem like you are going to kill me anytime soon... I'm on my way to Gerudo Town", he told you somewhat proudly.
You couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Gerudo Town? But you're a boy", you stated the obvious. Link looked at you confused. "So what?"
"So...", you started, "You're not allowed there. Like any other guy as well." You were now even more confused than he was. Did he seriously not know about the Gerudo law, not letting men into their town.
"Well, whatever. I'm sure, I'll figure it out", he finally said with a shrug. "You said, you were a treasure hunter. Have you been to Gerudo Town yet?"
"Of course!", you replied proudly and added, "If you want I can lead you there!"
"Since you practically owe me for following me; sure, be my guide!" He laughed a bit, finally seeming to trust you.

He looked up at the sky. "Snap! It's getting dark. Let's make a fire and stay the night here", Link suggested.
He didn't wait for an answer and started to collect some wooden sticks to make a fire under a small rock formation.
"You got something to eat?", he asked as you two sat down.
"Ah, wait", you said and rummaged through your bag. "Apples, wildberries, some water, and dried meat."
You grabbed the meat and the leather bag with water.
"Nice! I haven't eaten in hours!", he exclaimed and took some of the meat, happily eating it.
"So what do you want in Gerudo-Town anyways?", you asked after some time.
Link didn't answer instantly.
"I need to do something really important", he simply said in a tone which signalled you not to ask further.
You two fell into an awkward silence after this. The only thing that could be heard was the cracking of the wood and animals going through the forest nearby.
"Can I have some water?", Link broke the silence in a more friendly tone, holding his hand out to you.
You smiled and handed him the water bag. As you did so, your fingers brushed against his and you felt an electric shock going through your whole body.
Suddenly your vision became blurry and you felt yourself falling back.


Oh shit, waddup?
Second chapter, yay!

Hope you enjoyed it! ♡'・ᴗ・'♡

[Breath of the Wild] Link x Reader - Remembrance of the Past Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt