6 | Through The Desert

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"(Y/N), are you even listening?", Link asked with a tint of annoyance in his voice.
"No... No, I'm not", you murmured. You really weren't listening to him. You were still thinking about your dream about the Rito champion. You thought your first dream could have been a coincidence but after last night you knew it wasn't.
You've left Gerudo Canyon Stable early in the morning and were now walking through the actual desert. Actually, you hoped, you'd never have to set a foot into the hot burning sand again but now here you are, sweating like crazy, wishing the bazaar, that lay between the stable and Gerudo Town, would finally come.
"Nevermind, now it's too late", Link huffed and wiped away the sweat from his forehead.
"Sorry, Link but it's just so hot, I can't concentrate."
"I can already see the town. It won't take much longer!", Link said enthusiastically and pointed towards what he believed to be Gerudo Town.
You squinted your eyes, trying to figure out whether it was really the town when you realized something.
"That's not the town but the bazaar! Thank goddess, a place to rest!", you sighed in relief. Link was actually rather confused since he didn't expect a bazaar.
"It's just a small thing but the perfect place to take a break while travelling through the desert", you explained and walked faster towards the bazaar. Well, you tried. Your feet would still constantly sink into the sand, causing you to be a lot slower than wanted.
When you finally reached the bazaar, you made your way to the small lake of the oasis and allowed your feet to touch the water.
"Welcome to Kara Kara Bazar!", you beamed at Link and gestured around. He, on the other hand, didn't look very impressed.
"But where is the town?"
You sighed and pointed in a vague direction. "A few miles from here."
Link made an unsettled expression. He obviously didn't want to be here and rather go to Gerudo Town as soon as possible.
You patted his back. "Cheer up, boy. We're just gonna take a small break and then continue our way."
Link nodded and you shoved him towards the large stone building on the other end of the bazaar. "C'mon now, we'll see someone, who will help you with your problem."
The blond turned his head with confusion written over his face.
"The fact that you're a boy and only females are allowed in Gerudo Town? Remember?"
His eyes lit up with realization and you shook your head at him. How can one be so slow?
"Follow me, ignorant one", you said in a joking way, earning an eye roll from Link. You walked towards the large stone building and climbed the ladder that was leading to its rooftop, with Link close behind you. When you reached the end of the ladder, you smiled at the sight before you. In front of you stood a tan male in Gerudo woman's clothes. "We are lucky today", you whispered to Link, who, one the other hand, stared at the man with utter bewilderment. "What the hell, (Y/N)!?"
Ignoring Link, you shouted at the man: "Vilia!" He turned around, with a small smirk on his lips.
"(Y/N), my dear friend. To what do I owe the pleasure of you visiting me?", he said, taking your hand.
You swatted his hand away and put yours on your hip. "I am here to call in a favour."
Vilia sighed dramatically. "And I thought you wanted to visit an old friend."
"We are no friends. I smuggled you into Gerudo Town and now you owe me one."
The male huffed and glanced over at Link, finally noticing him. "And who is this handsome fella?"
Link shuffled his feet a bit, visibly uncomfortable at the way Vilia talked to him.
You clapped your hands in front of Vilia's face, regaining his attention.
"Let's cut it short. I need one of your outfits", you explained quickly.
"For yourself?" The feigned shock in his voice angered you.
"No, you egg. For him", you snorted annoyed, gesturing to Link.
Vilia opened his mouth but you were faster. "No questions."
He hesitated for a short moment, but seeing that you wouldn't leave him until you had what you wanted, he eventually gave in. He rummaged through his bag and revealed a Gerudo outfit, which looked a lot like a belly dancer's dress.
Link stared at the clothes with wide eyes. "No way am I gonna - "
"Shut it", you hissed and grabbed the outfit while muttering a quiet 'thanks' to Valia. Right before climbing down the ladder, you gave him an 'I'll-be-watching-you'-gesture with your index and middle finger.
When you reached the ground, Link was already waiting for you.
"(Y/N), are you serious with that? You can't expect me to wear it!", he instantly protested, to which you rolled your eyes.
"Listen, you either dress up as a woman or you forget about your plans to pay Gerudo Town a visit. No in-between."
Link could see you were dead serious, so he took the clothes from you and walked into the stone building to find a room where he could change.
You tapped your foot on the ground, waiting for Link to come out. After a while, you grew impatient and walked into the building as well. "Link?", you called out. No answer. You called again, this time louder. The owner of the inn, which was inside the stone structure, clicked her tongue and pointed towards a blue curtain, not looking up from whatever she was doing.
You marched towards the curtain and drew it back, exposing Link. He was already wearing the outfit and when he turned around and saw you he blushed a bit, trying to cover himself.
"Aw, don't be embarrassed", you laughed, "Wear it with confidence! You look cute."
"Because that's exactly what a boy in woman's clothes wants to hear", Link mumbled and stuffed his other clothes into his bag. 
"Well, some do", you shrugged with a small grin, as you and Link walked out of the inn.
The sun was already setting and the air got a little chilly. "Should we stay the night here?", Link asked.
You shook your head. "The colder it gets, the more bearable the desert it."
"And more monsters", he retorted.
"We'll handle it", you smiled up at him and nudged his shoulder, making your way out of the bazaar and into the desert.

Your journey was peaceful until you two spotted a camp of Lizalfos, some feet away from the path. "Crap", you said. "There's no way we can pass that without them noticing us."
Link squinted his eyes. "They're sleeping so we should be able to sneak past them.
You nodded your head slightly. "Alright, but stay cautious and be ready to fight."
You and Link moved slowly closer. The Lizalfos camp was illuminated by a small fire and you could see three of them lying on the ground.
As stealthy as possible, you sneaked past the camp, Link close behind you.
Just as you thought you were safe, you heard an inhumane sound behind you.
You sighed and turned around, seeing that the Lizalfos sprung to their feet, now making their way towards the two of you.
You quickly grabbed your bow and tried to shoot one. Unfortunately, you missed and now the monster was charging directly at you. Luckily, Link had his sword ready and cut right through the Lizalfos' leg. It stumbled and fell to the ground, giving you the opportunity to kill it with another arrow.
"Nice teamwork!", you cheered.
"But it's not done!", Link said and ran towards another Lizalfos.
You saw the third one to your left and spun around right before it attacked you. You dodged its spear and drew another arrow from your quiver. Right after you shot the Lizalfos, you heard Link shout: "There are more of them!"
You looked around and saw several more Lizalfos coming from seemingly nowhere. Link instantly attacked the monsters. You, on the other hand, weren't as skilled in close combat as him so you tried to put some distance between your enemies and yourself. Unfortunately, three Lizalfos were already surrounding you. You managed to take down one of them but while you shot the arrow, one of the monsters pierced its spear right into your calf. You yelped in pain, dropping your bow and falling into the sand. The Lizalfos that injured you hovered over you and pulled the spear out of your flesh. You cried out again and the creature raised the weapon, ready to finish it off. You pressed your teeth together, ignoring the pain and rolled away from the Lizalfos. It followed you but you were quick enough to grab an arrow that fell out of your quiver and when the monster was close enough you pushed yourself off the ground and stabbed right through its eye and further its skull, killing it instantly. You groaned because of the struggle and put one hand on the wound on your leg. You hissed at the contact and your hand was quickly covered in blood. Your eyes searched for Link but you couldn't see him as your vision began to blur. Neither did you notice the third Lizalfos approaching you from behind until sharp metal jabbed your side, causing you to scream in agony. You fell onto your back and saw the Lizalfos above you. Before the monster could do another thing, it was slain from behind and Link's face came into your vision.
"Oh goddess, (Y/N)...", he let out breathlessly.
Link lifted you up, walking in the direction where he could see the shimmering lights of Gerudo Town.
Your breath became shallow and you could barely keep your eyes open.
Link looked down at you, worry and desperation written all over his face.
"Stay with me, (Y/N)! We are almost there", he tried to reassure you and keep you awake.
You moaned in pain and you could feel the blood spilling out of your wounds.
"Help! Please, help us!", Link shouted at two guards that were positioned in front of the entrance of Gerudo Town.
They came running towards Link which you barely noticed due to you getting weaker by every second.
"It's (Y/N)!", one of them exclaimed as they took you from Link, carrying you into the town. You saw the lights of lanterns and fireplaces flash by, while your vision got darker and darker until you fell into complete unconsciousness.


long time no see!
i guess you guys thought i wouldn't continue this story but here i am :D

at some point i kinda lost motivation but with the release of the dlc it came back so yeah
i am trying to post more but the chapters will take their time

this chapter is three times as long as the other ones, to make up for it

also i suck at writing fight scenes

hope you liked the chapter tho

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