4 | Gerudo Canyon Stable

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You turned around and...

... opened your eyes. You were laying under the rock formation from earlier and the fire was still burning.
You looked around but nobody was there.
Was it a dream? About Zelda and everyone else?
Your eyes widened a little after realizing what you just dreamt. These people in your dream were the champions from 100 years ago. 100 years! There was no possible way you could imagine them so vividly.
"Hey, you awake?", a voice interrupted your train of thoughts.
Link! Even he was mentioned a few times throughout your dream; or at least his name.
"Are you okay?", Link asked again, seeing as you didn't respond. "You kinda passed out, out of nowhere."
"I... I was-", you wanted to explain what happened but figured it would sound weird to say you dreamt about people from a century ago. "I guess, I was just exhausted", you smiled reassuringly at him.
You could see, he wasn't convinced but he didn't question it either.
"We should continue our way to Gerudo Town", the boy said. "Can you walk?"
"Yeah, sure!" You instantly stood up to prove it.
The two of you packed your things together and started to head southwest.

It was already afternoon when you arrived at a stable, the Gerudo Canyon Stable. There weren't many people but one of them was very familiar to you.
"Beedle!", you shouted excitedly and waved your hands. The young man with his overly large backpack turned around and smiled at you.
"(Y/N)! Didn't expect you out here", he greeted you, when you were close enough. "You as well, dude!", Beedle added after noticing Link who stood silently next to you until now.
"What? You know each other?", you asked, chuckling a little bit.
"I sometimes meet him when travelling", Link explained.
Beedle pulled out his kind of table from above him. "So, you wanna buy something? I've got lots of arrows; I know you want them", he said and winked at you which made you roll your eyes.
"How many do you have and what would it cost to buy all of them?", you took out your little bag of rupees.
"40 which would make 120 rupees."
"What!? You're killing me!", you grumbled but nonetheless took enough rupees from your pocket and laid them on Beedle's makeshift table.
"Here you go, rupee-vampire", you said and grabbed the arrows, stuffing them into your quiver.
Link bought a hearty lizard and after that Beedle went his way, heading east.
"I can't believe, I just bought arrows for 120 rupees. 120 friggin rupees!", you still complained when you and Link walked into the stable, causing the blond boy to chuckle audibly.
"Don't worry, I'll pay for the beds", he offered with a smile and you nodded.
While Link told the receptionist you two would stay the night, you sat down at a table. Shortly after Link joined you with two glasses in his hands.
"What's this?", you asked, eyeing the liquid suspiciously.
"A drink called 'vai wants voe' from Gerudo Town. At least that's what he told me", Link replied, now unsure if he should really drink this. But he did it anyway.
"So tell me, where are you actually from?", he tried to start a conversation.
"Hateno, if you know where this is", you said and took a sip of your drink.
"Yeah, I've actually bought a house there a few months ago", Link chuckled.
"No kidding!? But not the old one that almost falls apart?"
"Exactly that one", Link admitted, scratching the back of his head. You laughed loudly and clapped your hand on the table, causing the other people in the stable to stare at you.
"Haha, very funny, (Y/N)", Link grumbled, blushing from embarrassment.

As the night went on, you continued to tell Link about yourself and your life. Doing so, you didn't even notice that Link told almost nothing about himself.
"I'm glad, we met. You're good company", he smiled at you which you did as well.


Chapter 4, boi
A little late, but I was kinda stressed out bc of school -.-

Hope you enjoyed it (^-^)/

[Breath of the Wild] Link x Reader - Remembrance of the Past Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora