7 | Memory of the Princess II - First Encounter

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...your vision got darker and darker until you fell into complete unconsciousness.

You sat on the highest platform of the wooden tower that stood by the archery rink. Your legs dangled off the edge and you gripped your coat tightly as the cold air blew snowflakes into your face.
''Revali, let's go home!", you called to your friend who was standing on the ground a few meters away from the tower.
''Let me try one more time!"
He flapped his wings shortly, creating an updraft that hoisted him high into the air. He stayed in the middle of the whirlwind until he toppled over mid-air, sending himself flying right out of his gale. His body landed on the ground with a loud thud.
Worried, you quickly descended the ladder of the tower and ran over to Revali.
''Are you all right?", you asked and helped him up.
"Not enough", he mumbled to himself. "I must stay in the eye of the whirlwind... must push myself harder..."
Just then, you noticed an unfamiliar presence behind you. Turning your head in the direction, your eyes widened when you recognised the person.
Princess Zelda stood in the snow, her eyes watching you and your friend with patience.
Hastily, you let go of Revali and hurried to kneel down, keeping your head low.
The Rito must have noticed the princess as well. He gave a small smirk.
"You know, your highness...", he said, not bothering to face her. "It's rude to eavesdrop."
Zelda took a step forward. "My apologies. I went to the village, and I was told I could find you here."
"You have need of me. To defeat Calamity Ganon. To slay the beast once and for all... It will be my great pleasure."
The princess put a hand to her heart, a grateful expression on her face. "Thank you, Revali. If we work together, I'm certain we'll be able to defeat -"
"However!", Revali interrupted her loudly.
He created the same updraft from earlier, this time flying higher and higher without wavering.
The next thing you saw was targets exploding in the shooting rank. Surprised, you stood up, watching Revali hit one target after the other.
You saw Zelda looking at the spectacle in awe, her mouth agape with excitement.
"Impressive, isn't it?", Zelda said.
You only nodded as your eyes followed Revali landing on the tower.
"I know I play the biggest part in helping that, ahem... that little knight with the darkness-sealing sword. Correct?", he started in a profuse manner, waving his wings around. "Well, if he loses his confidence after seeing me in action don't come crying to me."
He watched Zelda with a smug look on his face. You expected her to be angry at him but instead, her lips held an amused smile.
"Very well then, I thank you for your warning", she said. "We will discuss the further procedure in the evening. Until then, I will leave you to your training."
Before turning around, her eyes fell on you and she smiled. "You wouldn't mind accompanying me on my way to the village, would you?"
"It would be my pleasure, your highness", you said and bowed your head in respect.
When she turned around, you looked questioningly at Revali but he just shrugged and waved you goodbye.
You followed Zelda to the horses where one of the knights that guarded them helped you get on the back of a black stallion. He and the other knight squeezed on a third horse together and when Zelda's mare started walking you quickly followed.
After riding in silence for a while, Zelda finally spoke up.
"I've met your mother earlier. Have you lived here your whole life?"
"Pretty much", you answered. "My parents study the life of the Ritos. They are very close to Revali's parents so we were basically raised as siblings."
Zelda chuckled. "I imagine, it must have been difficult with him at times. He seemed rather... arrogant just now."
You nodded in agreement. "He can be a handful, but he is my best friend and I am glad for that." You cast down your eyes and with a sad tone in your voice, you said: "I guess, I will miss him. When he follows you to the castle."
The Princess regarded you with a sympathetic smile but you tried to lighten the mood
"Maybe I will do some research of my own."
Zelda's eyes lit up with interest. And what would that research be?", she asked curiously. 
You shrugged lightly. "I suppose I could help my parents with theirs."
Zelda regarded you with a knowing look. "But that doesn't quite pique your interest, does it?"
You granted her a weak smile. "You noticed that from just a couple of minutes of conversation? I must be an open book."
"In that regard, maybe...", she pondered. "What does interest you then?"
You let out a strained sigh and said: "That's the problem - I don't know. I just want to know stuff, nothing in particular, just learn about anything and see what really catches me."
The princess nodded slowly. "I see... That is indeed a problem."
And with that, the conversation ended. Silence shrouded you, not the awkward kind, but a comfortable and almost pleasant one. You rode back to Rito village in that silence and during that time, you stole the occasional glance towards Zelda. 
You had only seen the princess once before. It was during a visit you made with your parents to Hyrule's Castle Town where a particular celebration was held in Zelda's honor. You were still a child back then, and so was she, but you still could remember instantly when you saw her today. 
When you reached the entrance of Rito Village, you dismounted the horses and gave them into the care of the two knights accompanying you, who were ordered to bring them to the nearby stable for the night. 
You and Zelda entered the village where she was greeted by several people. After taking her time with them, recounting her encounter with Revali, she turned to you with a smile.
"Would you mind showing me your house? I would love to see it."
"Of course!", you quickly said. 
You ascended the stairs of the village, with the princess closely following you. You nervously played with the hem of your coat while walking, worrying about her opinion about your rather humble home. 
But when you arrived, she didn't say anything, looking around the circular space. Her expression didn't show any negative emotions. On the contrary, she looked positively curious. 
"May I?", she asked, pointing towards some of your parents' research notebooks. 
"Go for it! My parents aren't here to stop you", you grinned, relieved that she wasn't disappointed in your home. 
You watched her flip through the pages, murmured "Oh" and "Ah" and "Interesting" leaving her lips occasionally while doing so. At one point in her reading, she stepped backward, slowly sitting down on your bed behind her, completely absorbed in the scribbled writing of your father's messy letters. You leaned back on another bed, silently watching the princess reading. 
You two spent quite some time like this, comfortable silence between you. Even though you have met only just today, you felt strangely at peace in her presence. 
The silence ended when she looked up from one of the papers and asked:  "I would love to talk to your parents personally about their research."
"They are on a trip for field studies", you explained, "but they will return by tomorrow."
"Fantastic!" She stood up, closing the book in her hands shut. You quickly followed and helped her tidy up the papers to neatly put them away on your parents' shelf.
After you two finished, Zelda turned to you with a smile. "You might not have heard, but there will be a small feast for the whole village held by the Village Elder. I would be honored if you would accompany me there."
You stared at her wide-eyed, speechless at her personal invitation towards you. 
Remembering your words, you bowed down your head slightly and said: "It would be my pleasure." 

To pass time until evening, you showed Zelda more of the village. You took her to the Brazen Beak where you introduced her to Nekk - the owner and a friend of your family. Zelda seemed to be amazed by the fine tailoring of his clothing and you could swear she was very close to buying one of the feathery accessories. 

After that you walked around more, visiting the Slippery Falcon and talking to other village residents. When the time came and the sun started to set, you two and other people made your way to the landing platform of the village where the feast was held. The platform was decorated beautifully and illuminated by festive lights. A large table and several smaller ones were already set up with tableware and prepared food. 

When you arrived, Chief Kaneli welcomed Zelda and invited everyone to sit down and enjoy the feast. You were seated together with Zelda and the chieftain at the larger table, when you noticed the still vacant spot next to you, that you assumed was reserved for Revali. 
"Revali has yet to arrive, it seems", the princess mused after noticing your glance.
As if on cue, there was an audible 'thud' behind you, announcing the newly recruited champion who landed on the platform behind you. 
"Apologies, I appear to have arrived rather late", he said, while nodding his head towards the princess. 
"Worry not, Master Revali, we have only just begun", Chief Kaneli chortled, raising his glass and almost spilling the liquid. 
Revali sat down next to you and began eating like everyone else. 
"How was training?", you asked him with a grin.
"I have not perfected my technique quite yet, but I am as good as there", he answered, a self-satisfied smirk evident on his face. 
You rolled your eyes playfully. "Don't go hurting your wing while patting yourself on the back like that."
"If I don't praise me, who else would?", he sighed dramatically to which you lightly shoved him with your elbow, chuckling. 

You continued to talk to Zelda and Revali the whole evening, sharing stories of your childhoods and joking around, while the chieftain would occasionally throw in a few words himself with loud laughs.  The mood around you was so lively and you were having so much fun that it almost felt as if you had been friends with Zelda your whole life. 
As night approached, people started to head home. A few unfortunate Rito warriors had to carry Chief Kaneli to his house after he had fallen asleep on his chair. You and Revali walked Zelda to the Swallow's Roost Inn where she was staying for the night. 
When you arrived, she turned to you. "Today was one of the most wonderful days I have had in a very long time. And I believe it was thanks to you, (Y/N)."
You blushed at her words, sheepishly lowering your head. "Princess, you flatter me."
She placed a gloved hand under your chin, lifting your head so you would look at her - a strangely intimate, yet comforting gesture.
"I want to invite you to accompany me from now on. Travel with me, live with me in the Castle, assist me in my research and studies. Perhaps... be my friend even", she said, the last part quieter and less confident.
You stared at her again, just like you had earlier this day, your mouth slightly agape. You were unable to say anything, Zelda's words too surreal, too good to be true. Only when Revali nudged your back impatiently did you realise the awkward silence you have created and you quickly scrambled for a reply. 
"I- I would love to do that, your Highness. All of it!"
Zelda happily took your hands in hers, an excited smile on her lips. "I am so glad."
You were still a bit taken aback, only mumbling about having to ask your parents for permission in the morning. When you met the princess this morning, you would have never thought the day would end with her inviting you to join her on her travels. But as Zelda hugged you tightly, you couldn't be happier with your decision.


Hello. To the dedicated people, who are still reading this story, liking and commenting, and to those who have been waiting almost 3 and a half years for an update - please accept this humble offering. ( ◡‿◡ *)

See you!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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