5 | Memory Of The Rito

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You made your horse run slower when you neared the stable that laid in front of Rito village.
You hopped off of the horse and talked to the stable guy.
"Could you take care of him a few days, I'll pay afterwards", you explained, to which the guy nodded with a small smile.
You thanked him and continued your way to the village. You haven't been there for a while since you were always busy helping Zelda with her research and such. But this night you sneaked out of the castle to go and visit your childhood friend, Revali.
You two used to hang around a lot but a few weeks ago the four champions, including him, went back to their hometown to train with their divine beasts.
Actually, you weren't allowed to leave the castle - or more like to leave Zelda's side - but you desperately needed to ask the Rito for advice.

You crossed the bridges that linked the islands together until you finally stood in front of the village. It was already early night, meaning the little Rito children and some of the adults were already in bed.
"(Y/N)! Hey!", you heard someone call as you climbed up the stairs.
You turned around and saw Nekk, who owned the armour shop, waving a wing at you.
"Haven't seen you in a while", he spoke, "what are you doing here at such a late hour?"
You smiled at him. "I'm here to see Revali."
"Well then, have fun climbing up all the stairs! He is at the highest landing", Nekk laughed.
"Great! I'm not tired or anything", you said sarcastically. "I'm off then, bye!"
You didn't wait for his response and quickly hurried upstairs, greeting the few people that were still awake.
Finally, you reached the landing where your friend sat, though he wasn't facing you.
"Could you be a little bit higher next time? That would be great", you panted, putting your hands on your knees for support so you wouldn't collapse from exhaustion.
The dark-blue Rito turned around and looked at you with a mix of surprise and confusion in his eyes.
"(Y/N)! What in Hylia's name are you doing here?", he exclaimed a little bit too loud.
"What do you think? I'm visiting you!", you grinned at him cheekily, now standing upright again. You walked over and sat down next to him.
"You'll get in trouble if they find you here", Revali stated but sighed as he noticed that you couldn't care less.
"I needed to get out of the castle", you said and added, "To see you. I need your advice."
"Advice? Well, good you came to me then", your friend smirked, being his arrogant self.
"Take it seriously, bird", you scolded him in a teasing way, causing Revali to glare at you.
"Then talk, Hylian", he narrowed his eyes but you knew he wasn't mad at you - it was just him being a twat.
You sighed. "It's about Link and Zelda. She always seems so angry when he's around. They're both my friends and I really want them to get along but that seems to be impossible. I just don't know what to do anymore."
You heard Revali snicker shortly. "No wonder, while that childish little boy gets praised for literally everything, the princess always gets scolded because she can't activate her power", his eyes widened, realizing what he just said.
"Power?", you asked suspiciously. "What do you mean?"
"Nothing! I already told you too much." Revali shook his head rapidly, dramatically putting a wing in front of your face to make you stop talking - though you weren't even talking.
"Stop that, you idiot", you grunted annoyed and pushed his wing away from you.
"Forget what I told you. Obviously, you won't make anything better", you said and stood up. "Take me on a flight instead."
Revali smirked. "Well, if you insist..." He made it seem like he didn't really want to but you knew he always liked to take you on a flight since it made you happy.
"Get on my back", he told you and you instantly complied.
Your friend lifted himself up into the sky.
The wind was as cold as ice due to it being night but you didn't care at all.
You looked up to see Vah Medoh, flying far above you two then closed your eyes and inhaled deeply, finally forgetting about all the trouble going on.
When you started to laugh happily, Revali couldn't help himself but smile because he knew you hadn't done so in a long while.


Oh geez, the last part is so awkward and weird to read for me. It sounded better in my head (as always)

(and yeah, nekk is in this. I guess Rito don't age the same way hylians do?)

hope you still enjoyed it and have a nice day :)

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