leaving sometimes

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Bendy p.o.v.

Ever since the floors been prepared I've been spending most of my time outdoors. It's a little new to me, mostly because Joey never let leave the building. When I have to go inside, it's because there are people and I don't want them reacting the same way Jessie did when he first saw me. Usually Y/N would join me but today I couldn't find her or Jessie. I looked around the whole studio and still couldn't find them. "Where could they be?" I asked myself starting to worry. I decided to calm down and look around outside​, I looked for hours and gave up in the afternoon. I started to think that maybe someone took them in the middle of the night, that thought drove me over the edge and I blamed myself for not being there to stop it. "Bendy!" Yelled a voice coming from behind me, I turned around and saw Y/N walking over to me. I ran over to her and gave her a tight hug. I felt tears run down my face and she asked why I was crying. "I didn't know where you where..." I said trying to stop the flow of tears. "I'm sorry, I guess I forgot to tell you I have to leave sometimes." She said picking up my face. I took a deep breath and asked where she had to go. "School." She said in a very bord tone of voice. I don't know what a 'school' is but it doesn't sound fun. "Can I come with you?" I asked. "Most likely no." She said. I noticed a purple mark on her face and she seemed perfectly fine. "What happened to you?" I asked starting to worry more than I ever have. "Oh, uh... Nothing I just fell." She said trying to cover it​. "Y/N, please tell me what happened." I said and she took a deep breath and said "I got into a fight." I picked her up (Bridal style.) and walked to the studio, once inside I put her down and got an ice pack. "Why did you fight who ever it was?" I asked as she took the ice pack. "I got tired of them spreading around rumors about me and I..." She got silent after she said that. I pulled her into a hug and gave her a quick kiss. "You should of told me earlier." I said.

(Y/N) p.o.v.

I don't want Bendy to worry anymore than he already was and I couldn't tell him he can't help my situation. I was stumped... "I'm sorry..." I said and hugged back. I'm sorry was the only thing I could say, nothing else came out of my mouth but I'm sorry. "Don't be, it's not your fault." Bendy said. I felt something run down my cheek and when I wiped my face I knew a water pipe had burst. "It's okay if you need to cry." Bendy said making me cry harder. "I really want to stay here with you and never go back to that place!" I yelled. "But I want to make good decisions so I just stay there with all of those people who make fun of me!" I yelled again. "You know what, your staying here for the rest of the week whether you like it or not." Bendy said, melting a little bit. Then suddenly I felt hands hold the side of my face and lips press against mine as I started to calm down. Bendy picked me up and carried me through the studio until he found a bed made out of a desk, he put me down and said I most likely needed some sleep after what just happened. He kissed my forehead and I started drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

Bendy p.o.v.

Once Y/N fell asleep I went to the room Boris was in. "Uh, hey... Been a while sense we talked..." I said staring at the lifeless body and expecting it to talk back. "I've been busy and haven't been able to see you for a few days." I said now starting to look down at the floor. "I've done all the steps to bring you back but... I can't find any human blood and I can't hurt Y/N and her friend." I said thinking about what would happen if I did use their blood. "I can't risk killing some unfortunate soul, someone might find out." I said starting to melt a little while the confusion bobbed around my head. "And I can't just walk away while you start to decay in memory." I thought as everything I just said and thought made​me melt almost to a puddle. I pulled myself back together and walked around the studio for good bit. I decided to not think about for a while and went to go check on Y/N. When I got back in the room she was gone. I looked around the room and couldn't find her but when I heard a female scream come from the left side of the hall. I ran down the hall and back to the main room to find a woman standing on a chair yelling kill it at a mouse. I face palmed and picked up the screaming female and carried her to another room. I went back to the mouse and picked it up "Shame I can't use you." I said and set it down outside. "Is it dead!?" Y/N yelled from another room. "No, but it's outside!" I yelled back. I chuckled and wondered what she would do without me.

((WHOA, OKAY, HACHET IT'S BEEN DAYS SENSE YOU POSTED A CHAPTER!!!!! I know... I was just giving myself a break but if you want me to apologized then...


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