New Areas

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(Y/N) p.o.v.

I slowly walked around the studio, once, twice, THREE TIMES! I felt like I've been walking through the same hallways for years. I sighed and looked at the end of the hall. I noticed that there was a giant ink splatter on the wall. I haven't seen Bendy anywhere and Boris is, well, you know...  I must have told myself to clean it. (For some reason. BOOM STORY LINE!!!!) I walked over to it and felt... Unsteady. This feeling doesn't come often and when it does it's usually a warning. "Bendy is this why you've been hiding!?" I yelled.                 

I must be over reacting. I walked over to the splatter and the unsteady feeling was pounding in my chest, it felt like it was going to rip through me. But I didn't listen to it, I listened to my curiosity instead, saying "walk over there." and "don't​ you want to know what will be there?" As I walked over I felt the pounding in my chest get harder and the voices in my head go to a scream. After I stopped in front of the ink an arm reached out and grabbed onto my tee-shirt, pulling me closer to the splatter. I tried to get whoever it was off of me but a demon shaped person come half way out of the wall. I shut my and thought this was the end but then I felt something press against my lips and I opened one of my eyes. There he was, Bendy and his mischievous self. After we broke the kiss I pulled Bendy out of the ink and we both fell on the floor. (Bendy topping onto me) "Bendy! You gave me a heart attack!" I yelled. Bendy chuckled at that "Well you're not dead are you?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes "No, but you really scared me." I said with a little giggle pushing him off of me.

Bendy p.o.v.

I love scaring her! It's just how she reacts. It's so cute and sometimes I wish I could do this all the time but if I do that then she'll know what's going to happen and I get to see her face once I grab her shirt. "I'm sorry, but you're just too cute." I say. "Anyways I really wanted to grab your attention!" I said very excitedly. "Did you find something?" She asked cocking her head. "Not something a SOMEWHERE!" I said getting more excited. "Come on it's down here." I said taking her downstairs into the warship room. "Well, where is it?" She said sounding impatient. "Do you know where that axe is? You know, the one you had when we first met?" I asked her. She shrugged and looked around for it. "Found it!" She exclaimed and came running towards me with it. "Find the axe, check. Now we need to cut down that wood over there." I said pointing to a blocked off path. I nodded and began chopping down the wooden planks, she was swinging the axe pretty hard so I thought that she was angry for some reason but turned out to be just excited. Once she got done chopping open the path we headed in and heard a weird voice coming from an inercom, it said "Sheep, sheep time for sleep..." We ignored it and went on exploring.

Inky Love (Bendy x Reader) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now