Her King

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congratulations! you've made it to Part 2 of TPG

Honestly, i have nothing else to say other than THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STAYING THIS LONG INTO THE STORY~

My writing is amateur work at best and seeing your votes make me feel like I'm doing something right for once in my life.

**Anyhoo, this was supposed to be published before part 14 but i only realised my mistake today so lets just say some of you had first preview of P2

Loves, Audrey


There was a commotion in town.

I stood under the shower of hot water cascading down my back and breathed in the scent of wetness and my shampoo, trying hard to scrub off the scent of the girl who I had previously shared a bed with, disgusted at myself once more.

My skin was raw as I stepped out and I walked into my living room with nothing but a towel around my waist. My phone sat furiously vibrating on the coffee table and curiosity prompted me to check my messages. They were all talking about one name: Chase.

Josh, the previous king is back in town.

Apparently they're having a showdown at Central. Valentine vs Roche is back baby!

Why is April in the hospital?

My eyes zoned in on her name in the sentence worriedly before giving myself a mental slap. She doesn't need me, she has someone else already, she has Valerio. I noticed how he followed her down the hallways and talk in hushed whispers behind closed doors. I couldn't help questioning what he had that I didn't. Maybe it's because he doesn't sleep around like I do but then again, his head wasn't as messed up as mine.

My phone rang and I answered it without looking at the ID.

Big mistake

"Joshua Angelo Peters, you better be on your way to my office this instant!" My 'father' growled into the receiver and I only gave him silence, pinching the bridge of my nose as the oncoming headache pounded my head. I've tried every medication out there, seen every physiotherapist, maintained my health—nothing seemed to ease the constant throbbing in the back of my head and I forever welcomed the days when the throbbing would ease and I didn't have to pretend like I was fine.

"Are you sleeping with one of your whores again?" he scoffed. Somewhere in the background, someone coughed uncomfortably. "Figures. That's the only thing you're good at you disappointment."

I snapped. "Leave the women out of this father, not every woman that I spend the night with is a whore. God knows how many females you've gone through. The difference between you and me is that at least I treat them with respect."

He spat and I could imagine the skin on his face turn red. "You better be here within the hour or you can kiss the skin of your sister—"

"Don't you dare hurt her!" I roared.

He laughed. "Next time, think twice before you talk back to me son—"

I didn't wait for him to finish his sentence because I had already thrown my phone across the room. The sound of it crashing against the walls and it's parts flying everywhere more familiar than anything.

I dressed swiftly in a white button down and black jeans, grabbing a new phone off the many others sitting on the shelf and replacing my sim card inside it. The picture on the mantel piece sat collecting dust and I couldn't help my eyes from gazing at it.

Two children looked back at me, one with striking blue eyes and the other brown and playful. The contrast between our hair colour stood out, mine blond and hers black. The sun shone down on her like a halo, her angelic features something I could never forget.

My hands traced over the crowns we wore on our heads in the picture and unknowingly I whispered, "I miss my best friend, April...."

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