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Stay calm. Chill out.

Just because your mother tricked you into going on a blind date does not mean that you’ve to panic.

Remember. You’re a successful interior designer who lives in New York, a highly respectable city.

Ignore the piles of bills lying on the kitchen table and in your underwear drawer. Ditto on the uncompleted design ideas and the gazillion pound debt in your bank.

Forget about your idiotic boss, Raymond, who is probably tearing his hair out because you applied for paid leave for the 4th time in the month. It’s not your fault you delusional mother keeps coming up with fake emergencies.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

There, that expensive yoga class with the snobbish trainer actually helped, didn't it? Remember her words. Try to achieve a zen-like state. Your mind is like a clear pond with no ripples. Forget about what happened to you the other time you went on a blind date when the guy turned out to be a 50-year-old bald man with clammy hands.

Shit. What if it happens again? I can’t stand any more groping or lecherous stares. Why can’t Mum find someone respectable who doesn’t want to spend his life work $7.50 per hour at Starbucks like the guy who came for the 7th blind date?

Why can't I have a loving boyfriend like my best friend, Evelyn? Despite being 26-years-old and a pretty attractive (at least according to Mum) woman, I've only had sex 5 times and each time with a complete stranger.

Is this really my life? To remain unmarried while the rest of my friends gallop off to their honeymoon and weddings?

Your life is shit, Chloe Manson.

Dear Mr Blind Date, Are You Mr Right? (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن