No Longer Celibate

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I sip my apple martini and sigh as the cool liquid flows down through my throat. It feels so good. I'm at Sunset Bar right now with well, almost everyone from Dazzle Designing Firm. I'm sitting here, minding my own business while some people have already started dancing on the dance floor.

"Will you believe this? This bar's so cool," Marilyn coos as she drinks her straight vodka.

"Hola, people!" Zoe comes barrelling towards us. She beams and ruffles her orange skirts. "Anyone want to dance with me?"

"Totally!" Marilyn squeals while I shake my head. I don't feel like having fun tonight.

As both of them tottle towards the floor, I scan the bar for Ed. He's not here. A pang of disappointment rises in my chest and I force the the feeling away. Stop thinking of him. He's your boss.

"Hey sexy." A low, throaty voice murmurs by my ear.I look up and see a shaggy brown-haired man smiling at me. I've absolutely no idea who he is. On other days, my sex radar would have been blinking like crazy but today, I don't feel like flirting with anyone.

"Sorry, do I know you?" I say, puzzled. Is he from Human Resource? No offense but the human resource guys are all bastards and snobs. I'm not on first terms with any of them. Maybe he's from Accounts? One of the nerdy ones maybe?

"No worries. We've all night to know each other," he leers and snuggles to my side.

Blech. This is disgusting. I'm not wearing any scandalous so I've no idea how I manage to attract all these weirdos. He's inching his hand up my bare thigh. Maybe I should kick his ass, or dump the cocktails onto his head. I'm feeling exceptionally violent tonight for a woman. Or maybe I should give this poor, sex-deprived man a break.

"Sorry. I've STDs," I shrug. He froze. "Seriously, man?" he croaks out in disbelief and extracts his hand away. Thank goodness.

"Yup. My boyfriend passed it to me," I elaborate casually as if I'm commenting on the weather and sips from my drink. "So, what did you say about getting to know each other?" I smile sweetly, almost flirtatiously whilst batting my eyelids.

"Erm, sorry, gotta find my friend," he mumbles, cowers away before stalking off. I laugh.

Serves him right. The STDs thing is my numero uno tactic to fend off lecherous guys. Not that it always works for the desperate ones but hey, for those who still wants to keep their privates intact, they do keep away. Guess who taught me this? You won't believe it. Mum did. Of course, she intended the STD excuse to be for fending off unsuitable (a.k.a poor) men, not eligible suitors.

"So, you've STDs, Miss Manson?" An unmistakable, low voice sounds out.

I whip my head around and there he is, in the flesh.

"Ed," I say, trying hard not to betray my emotions. He's here! He's here! My heart sings.

"One apple martini, please." He signals to the bartendar and sits on the flashy barstool next to me. "STDs huh?"

"Sorry. That guy was a creep." He should be thankful he still had his balls intact.

"I agree. If his finger had inched up your thigh one second. I would have thrown a punch at me." Anger flashes over his face.

That made me chuckle. The prim and proper Ed has rough edges? News to me.

"Never thought you would step into a bar," I comment. He looks so out-of-place with his million-pound suit.

"You don't know everything about me." His tone seems playful but his eyes darken for a second. I frown. Has this got to do with Hannah? Who's this mysterious lady? That question had been bugging me for a long while ever since this morning. I just can't ignore it.

"So..." I say cautiously. "Who's your lady friend from this morning?"

"Oh, you mean Miss Harriet? She's just a friend of my sister," he replies, takes his drink and gulp it down. I watch his Adam's apple bob up and down, almost fascinated.

Anyway, since when did "Hannah" turn into a "Miss Harriet"? He's deliberately lying to me for some strange reason. A clingy ex-girlfriend? Maybe. Whatever, he's not anyone of mine. I've no business to care.

"Let's dance, shall we?" He takes my hand and I swat it away.

"Someone will see!" I whisper.

"A little disguise is always welcomed." Ed whips out a pair of sunglasses and puts it down. Okay, he honestly looks like some weirdo because who wears glasses inside of a dance club? But he's virtually indisguishable since he looks like any normal guy.

I take his hand and let him lead me to the dance floor. I see Marilyn crooning over some vaguely familiar guy while Zoe has already passed out on the couch. Goodness.

I awkwardly do a step-turn-step dance. Let's face it. I'm the clumsiest person out there. I once did ball-room dancing and I got kicked out within the 3rd lesson. Mum was livid. She had visions of me becoming some ballerina and twirling away on the stage. Seriously.

Ed's pretty awkward himself but we're comfortable with each other's presence and we take small, careful steps. Someone bumps into him and my heart constricts, fearing that someone will recognize him but surprisingly, no one does.

"Chill, relax," he whispers. He can feel the tightness of my shoulders as he brushes against me.

"I'm trying. It's not very helpful when you're around me," I snap. He's making me so delirious and...blissful.

"I make you nervous?" He cocks his head to he side and eyes me speculatively.

Leaning closer to me, he kisses me full on the lips and I latch on eagerly. His touch is moist and tender and as his hands move up my back, I groan. Ah, bliss, sheer bliss.

"Do you want to...?" he asks, his face softening. Most guy would just go, "Come on, babe, let's just rip off your shirt now!" They don't seek your consent. They just do it. But I can tell it means something to Ed and I want to share something precious of mine with him.

"Go ahead," I whisper. "I'm done with celibacy. It doesn't work out for me."

"So you agree to be my girlfriend?"

He's not letting this off, is he? "Yes, you persistent mule," I reply and kiss him back.

He smiles radiantly and I catch my breath before closing my eyes to enjoy this intimate moment. His hands delve under my shirt and I can feel his hands everywhere. More...more....I feel flushed, red and frenzy with anticipation but I don't mind.

I want Ed. Right now.

Looks like I'm going to be really busy tonight for the first time in years.

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