The Epilogue

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"I can't do it," I grit through my teeth.

"You can, Chloe." Ed brushed my hair from my forehead. "You have to do it."

I grip the edges of the surgery table and push with all my might.

"I can see the head now," Genova pipes up enthusiastically.

In case you didn't realize it, I'm giving birth right here. According to the site "", an average woman takes around 8 hrs to give birth to a baby and I already prepared myself mentally.

But it has been 15 hours and the baby's not even half-out. What is this? Where's the justice?

My upper half is numb while my lower half is in pain but to be honest, the pain is the least of my concern. I feel like I'm pushing an elephant through my ass.

"I...I can't..." I huff. I'm tired and the pain is exhausting me out.

"You're doing fine, Chloe," Genova adds in. "Just a little more, I promise."

Of course it's easy for her to say. SHE'S NOT THE ONE GIVING BIRTH HERE.

"Hey, is the baby out yet?" Someone pokes her head in and I recognize that it's Mum. Actually, everyone's here to give me moral support- Evelyn, Mum, Eleanor and Adrian- but I kind of made all of them wait outside except for Ed.

I really do not want my best friend or my mother-in-law to see my ass.

"Nope," Ed answers a little wearily.

"Really?" Mum's eyes widen. "I gave birth to Chloe within 4 hours. How did she take so long?"

"HELLO?" I snap. "I'm right here. Stop talking about me in 3rd person."

I feel a squeeze of pain and I close my eyes. Man, just bear the pain Chloe. A few hours more and you can chill out and drink Starbucks and take in all that sugar.

Mum shrugs and disappears out of the room.

"Chloe, please, try once more, ok?" Genova coaxes gently. "Do it for your husband and your daughter."

I nod. I know the baby matters a lot to Ed and it's the same for me. I want to see her, the baby I mean. I summon my entire strength and push with all my might.

"ARGHH!!!!" I release a primal scream and barely notice the nurses jump back in fright. They must think that I'm a lunatic.

"Fabulous Chloe!" Genova exclaims. "The baby's out! All in a night's work."

She holds up a tiny thing covered in blood and though I normally get naseous everytime I see blood in general, I reach out for it.

"She's so beautiful," Ed murmurs.

I nod and gulp. The baby wails and she opens her eyes and I notice that they are the same colour as Ed's. She has my nose and double eylids but Ed's face shape.

"She's going to be a beautiful lady," I whisper.

"Yes, she is." Ed smiles. "How can she not with a beautiful mother like you?"

As one of the nurses take the baby away, I suddenly feel a surge of weariness overwhelming me and I fade away into unconsciousness.


After a long, long time, I open my eyes and found myself staring at the white ceiling. My entire body's aching and I'm wondering where the hell I am.

Ed appears by my side and he takes my hand. "Chloe, you alright?" he asks.

"Where...where am i?" I ask, confused.

"Darling!" Ed laughs. "You're in the hospital. You just gave birth to our daughter." He smiles.

Dear Mr Blind Date, Are You Mr Right? (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें