Wrath of the Queen of Darkness

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"Chloe, wake up!"

Hm. I stir slightly, refusing to open my eyes, half-wondering who's calling me. For a moment there, I can't remember what happened last night. Where did I go?

I can distinctly smell the fragrant scent blueberry waffles. Mhmm...I wouldn't mind a taste of that....Since when did Mum learn how to cook?

Hang on. This doesn't seem right.

Nobody I knows has a decent breakfast. Mum doesn't eat at all to maintain her slim figure while Evelyn eats healthy organic food which tastes like grass. So who's cooking in my kitchen? I don't have a waffle machine....

"Shit!" I bolt up right, my eyes flashing open.

Standing right in front of my bed is Ed. He looks amused and I notice he has a fresh grey T-shirt and pants on.

"Woken up yet?" he asks.

I look down at my body and gasps. I'm naked! I quickly pull the bedsheets over my bare form and asks, "What happened last night?"

"You don't remember?" He sounds disappointed.

"I've delayed reaction in the morning until I've some decent coffee," I snap.

"Fair enough," he laughs. "We had sex. It's as simple as that. And you agreed to be my girlfriend," he says this truimphantly and his entire face glows with happiness.

Okay. I need to handle this rationally.

"We used protection, right?" I ask.

"Yes." His face changes. "Did you regret it?" he asks softly.

"No!" I laugh. It's unimaginable that I will ever regret that. Now that I'm slightly clear-headed, I remember last night's events perfectly. The sex was completely mind-blowing and I think we broke the orgasmic record. Of course, sex is just the added benefit. I mean, we've all heard how guys reveal the basic nature in bed right? I just have to say, Ed is the most gentlemanly and caring guy ever- in all situations.

"I'm just afraid that you used me for sex and just walked away," I say soberly. Admit it, this happens. I hate all those girls that go, "Why did he dump me after we had sex?" Honestly, all guys are horny and I'm not afraid to admit that I've this insecurity too. Mum used to say that guys date girls only for one thing and I'm still afraid that she might be right.

"I won't." He sits next to me on the bed and kisses me lightly on the forehead. "I love you, Chloe."


This is a pretty strange situation to be in. I have never had guys confessing to me that they "love" me. How am I supposed to react? Obviously I feel the same way for him but is it weird to just say "Thank-you"?

"So do you want breakfast?" he lightens up.

"Yes! Erm, firstly, I've to get changed." I flush, highly aware that I'm not wearing any clothes.

Ed chuckles. "Don't be embarrassed, Chloe. I have seen it all. Besides, you're beautiful just the way you are." He leans in to kiss me once more before walking out of the room.

I rummage under the bed and found a T-shirt and shorts. They might have been there for months but they smell great. Putting them on, I stalk towards the kitchen where a full-fledged breakfast awaits me.

"Wow. You know how to cook?" I gape at the sight.

Two plates soft, blueberry waffles with maple syrup alongside with fresh coffee are placed on the table. I know Ed's cool and all, but how does he know how to cook?

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