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"Look, I have to get off here and you go park the car. We will just enter the building separately and pretend that we don't know each other," I explain earnestly.

"Why?" Ed frowns.

I close my eyes. For a genius, he's really clueless sometimes. Does he really fancy gossip? I don't, honestly. It just gives people like Derek one more reason to pick on me. And here we are, still stuck in a limbo. The car's still parked at the curb, a little away from the HQ building. Ed just refuses to let me get off and I refuse to let him to drop me off me right infront of the office.

"Because nobody must know about us," I explain.

"Why?" He folds his arms. "Are you ashamed of us?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Geez," I say. "You really want everyone to know I spent the night with you?"

"It doesn't matter. I checked the company policy guidelines using my Blackberry. There's no rule against bosses dating their employees," he says.

Great. You see how a know-it-all boyfriend can do to you? He just quote random things that you never have an inkling about. Gosh. Can't he sees the big picture? If Marilyn knows about us, she will chop us up and dump us in the moods. Believe me, she's capable of that sort of heinous crime. 

"Look. I'm not ashamed of you. How can I be?" I roll my eyes and he smiles. "I just don't want to deal with the gossip and stuff like now. I'm already having a stressful day with my Mum turning up in the morning and all."

"Okay, go ahead, I'll see you in the evening. Don't forget that tomorrow's the work outing," he whispers and kisses me.

Shit. The work outing. I haven't bought sunscreen yet.

"Can I get out of it?" I ask.

"No." He wiggles his fingers in front of my face.

"Please." I tried pouting and almost vomited. Jeez, why do girls like to pout? It makes you look so weird and vulnerable. I suppose that's the point though. "We can just stay in and do...stuff," I whisper coyly as I stroked his hand.

"What stuff are you referring to, Miss Manson?" he asks, grinning.

"Oh, you know," I say and flash a dazzling smile.

"You're trying to seduce me," he says almost accusingly.

"So what if I am?" I smile.

"Damn. You're making this difficult for me to concentrate."

"That's the point."

"Too bad. You're going with me."

He folds his arms in a business-like manner. I know that stance and that don't-argue-with-me-if-not-i'm-suing-you look. I often see that face when he meets up with other rival designing firms. Sigh. I guess even my limited feminine wiles can't get me out of this idiotic thing.

"Ok, fine, bye," I huff and get out of the Aston Matin. Peeping side to side, I see no one familiar and stalk off towards the building.

I turn my head towards the road and find the car still crawling by me at a snail's pace, following me step-by-step. He's literally causing a traffic jam! Fine, there aren't much traffic in the morning but I see a driver giving him the middle finger. But Ed's just unperturbed. He has that confident, smug smile on his handsome face, as if nothing mattered in the world except for us. I like that sometimes but now? Definitely not.

"Why are you following me?" I hiss.

"I'm just worried. I'll follow you until the building."

"That defeats the whole purpose." I slap my forehead. "Ok, whatever, if you like to fucking follow me so much, do as you please."

Dear Mr Blind Date, Are You Mr Right? (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant