Meeting with In-laws

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"You're not freaking out, are you?" Ed asks concernedly as he swerved the car around the bend.

"Do I look like I'm hyperventilating?" I snap.

"Frankly, yes."

Okay, fine, I'm hyperventilating. But that's because we're visiting Ed's parents right now. My in-laws. Or to put it weirdly, Eleanor and my long-lost Dad, Adrian.

"Don't worry. Eleanor adores you already. And I'm sure Adrian's looking forward to seeing you," he reassures.

"I feel sick." I close my eyes and tries to visualise Eleanor's cold, passive face. Shit. No. Eleanor does not adore me. She bloody hates me. I cannot believe she's my future mother-in-law.

Mum wanted to come with me for this dinner because she claims that Adrian would "brainwash" me. But seriously? I don't remember him at all and I don't want to make things too awkward.

As Ed pulls the car up to the parking lot, I step out of the parking lot.

"What th-" I say, taken aback.

Is this where Ed lives? I was envisioning a respectable studio apartment but...a mansion? This is just making me more inadequate. It's extremely huge with a complete swimming pool and all. I thought these kind of houses exist in fairytales.

"What?" he asks worriedly.

"You live in a mansion?" I asks disbelievingly.

"Yea. It belongs to my mum and Adrian actually. I have another private apartment elsewhere," he says.

For a moment, I realise how much I don't know of Ed. Yes, he loves me and all, but I don't want him to marry me just because of the baby. I don't want a hasty marriage which I will definitely regret later. I want to know him better. But I'm not sure how to tell him that. He's so over-joyed by the baby that he has been buying baby stuff for the past few days and I'm kind of freaked out.

Ed leads me to the iron gates, presses a button and we step inside the humogous house. Standing at the doorsteps were two people- Eleanor and....Adrian.

My dad. I gulp and take a step back. I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to see the man who fathered me and disappeared for twenty years. This is the same man who betrayed my mother and sneaked off for a rendezvous with Eleanor. I can't deal with him right now. What on earth was I thinking?

"Chloe, welcome to our home," Eleanor says stiffly, her lips pursed in a disatisfactory expression.

"Chloe, it's...being a long time," Adrian says warmly. He's staring intently at me and I stare back at him for awhile.

He's heart-shaped face is still the same and he has the same brown eyes and curly brown hair as me. However, I have seen how age has affected him. His face is more wrinkly and papery and he has a slight hunckback but I can still see my resemblance to him. He doesn't seem like a cheater and home-wrecker actually. He actually...seems like a gentle, kind old man.

"D-" I start but I cannot bring myself to call him Dad. I swallow my words and say, "Adrian."

He seems disappointed and for a moment, I regret calling him by the name but he instantly brightens and ushers us into the house. No, I mean, the mansion.

"We've prepared a five-course dinner for both Ed and you. We hope you enjoy it," Eleanor says in a monotonous voice.

What? A five-course dinner? I mean, I've been to some of my ex-boyfriends' parents' house before and we usually have a simple dinner and play some card games and stuff. But at Ed's's like dining at a hotel.

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