Secrets Revealed

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"Chloe, wake up...."

"Can you hear me......?"

"Can you respond just for me.....?"

"Mhmm," I mumble and wrench open my eyes. Everything's in a state of fuzziness. I see green colours contrasting with brown, everything seems pixel-like. I blink and finally register Ed's battered face hovering above my head. What happened?

"Chloe!" Ed shouts loudly, his weary face lightening up. "Thank goodness." He hugs me tightly and murmurs gruffly, "I love you so much."

"You worry too much man," I say slowly and try to sit up but the excruciating pain sends me lying down again. "Argh, my head hurts."

"You had a bad fall," he says seriously, using his arm to prod my head up. "Try not to move so much. I think your legs are broken."


"Jeez." Ed shakes his head. "I thought you would just leave me like that. While you were unconscious, I kept thinking of so many things we have yet to do- get married, have kids, grow old together." He covers his eyes with his pain. Oh sheez. I'm the injured person here and I'm not acting as melodramatic as him. Still, it's touching.

"Ed," I croak out and touch his face. His pain is so stark and apparent, I almost flinch. He cares about me. He loves me. He worries about me.  "I'm so sorry I behaved so idiotically," I murmur. "I was too rash to believe that you were flirting with Beatrice."

"It's my fault too," Ed says softly. "I knew you wouldn't betray me by dating Fred and I apologise for my attitude. You were right. I was just trying to act tough. The fact is that we're lost and I refused to acknowledge that. I wanted to impress you just now."

"It's not your fault," I laugh but wince. My jaws hurt like hell. "You were very endearing just now though."

"So will you forgive me?"


He presses his lips against mine and I smile before pulling away. It's not the best time to makeout right now.

"Have you called for help?" I ask wearily.

"Yes, using your phone. Thank goodness you had the sense to bring a working mobile," he tries to joke but I can see the pain on his face. "You've only been out for an hour but it feels like forever."

"That's got to be the corniest line ever," I snort, almost twisting my facial muscle.

"I don't care." He hugs me close to his chest with his arms.

"CHLOE! ED! ANYONE THERE?" I hear someone screaming and I look up.

I see a bunch of familiar people with the paramedics.

"Here...!" I try to croak out.

"We're here! SOS! " Ed screams loudly, waving his torchlight.

"You have a torchlight?" I say, somewhat bewildered.

"Always prepared," he says wryly.

"OH MY GOSH! CHLOE! ED! IS THAT YOU?" Zoe shouts and she comes scrambling down the ledge, sending rocks flying all over.

"Is she crazy?" Ed asks. 

"That's her normality." I smile.

Zoe slides down the mud and barrels towards me. "Are you hurt? Can you count my fingers?" She holds up her hand.

I swat it away mockingly and say, "I just had a concussion only."

"Sorry," she apologises. "They always do that number thing in the movies."

Dear Mr Blind Date, Are You Mr Right? (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant