Wedding Proposal

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I've tried playing it cool...But when I'm looking at you....

Hmph. Oh right. That's my ringtone.

"Urgh." I open my eyes wearily and stare at the handphone screen which is lighted up and buzzing.

"Hello?" I flip open the cover and yawn. The clock says that it's 7am in the morning. Dude, I'm not due at the office until 9am. Can't they let a pregnant woman have a good night's sleep?

"Chloe! Something bad has happened!" Zoe's voice is frantic and anxious.

"What's the problem?" I ask wearily and rub my eyes. "Can't you guys cut me some slack?"

"Ed...Ed...." Zoe starts sobbing.

I instantly become alert. "What? Did something happen to Ed?" I ask frantically.

"He...." Zoe sobs. "He just fainted on the street outside of the company building! You must come straight away!" She starts to wail and I cringe.

"On it," I snap, quickly throw on some clothes and dash out of the door.

Come on, Ed, you can't leave me like that after everything we've been through.


The moment I alight at the bus stop, I run towards the company building. I don't know what happened to Ed but from Zoe's tone, something big must have happened.

I can't lose him. I just can't.

As I approach the building, I see a swarm of people outside. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Make way please!" I scream and dart to the heart of the circle. I gasp. Ed's lying on the ground with his eyelids closed.

"What happened?" I snap at Zoe who's leaning against Marilyn for support.

"Oh...terrible....terrible...." Zoe shakes her forlornly.

"Shut up!" I shout. "Tell me what happened. From start to the end," I growl.

"He just collapsed," Marilyn answers with a nervous look. "You'd better look at him."

"Has someone called the ambulance?" I demand. When no one answers, I take my phone and Marilyn grabs it. "NOO!" she shouts.

"What?" I ask irritably. "Ed has fainted. He could be in a danger. I need to call the ambulance right now."

"I...I will call it." She takes my phone and darts out of my sight.

I stare at Ed's pale face and I feel a rush of irritation. How dare he leave me like that? How can he be so irresponsible? How dare he?

I pound him hard on the chest. I don't care whether anyone's gaping at me. All that matters to me is that Ed wakes up.

"You can't leave me like that, you horrible person," I growl and hits his chest again. "Wake up! Wake UP!"

"He was an honorable man," one employee says solemnly.

"Indeed, he was," another agrees.

"Shut up!" I glare at them. "Stop talking about him in the past tense! He's still alive. He's going to be fine."

"Young lady, aren't you a tad optimistic?" this elderly-looking man asks.

I ignore him and turn back to Ed, furious now. "See Ed? Do you see them mocking you? Can you wake up now? Please," I can't help but sob. "You promised that you would be there. For our baby. For us. What happened to those promises? freaking liar."

Suddenly, one of Ed's eyes pop open. I stare at him in shock. What...?

Ed winks at me. "I'm not dead yet, Chloe."

"What the...What happened?" I gasp. "You were unconscious. You were injured. I...what...."

As Ed gets up, I hear everyone laughing relaxedly and I swivel my head to survey them. Is this a joke? Is this just a prank?

"Chloe, on the contrary, I'm being completely sincere here," he says seriously.

Suddenly, he bends down and produces a signature blue Tiffany box. As he opens it, there's a diamond with jewels encrusted inside.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. It's just..incredibly touching.

"Chloe Manson." Ed smiles. "Will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

The moment he says this, I notice a large banner unrolling from the top of the company building. There's a picture of Ed and me kissing alongside with the words, "Chloe Manson, marry me?" printed on it.

" did all these for me?" I whisper hoarsely. "But I've done nothing for you."

"No." His lips curve into a smile. "You gave me your love. That's enough."

Everyone in the crowd starts chanting. "Marry him. Marry him. Marry him." Several girls dart me an envious smiles and I see everyone giving me encouraging glances.

Ed stares at me expectantly, his hands still outstretched. "No matter what your decision is," he whispers. "I won't blame you for it."

There's a hushed silence and I stare at my stomach.

Hey, little guy/girl, should I marry him?

I don't even know why I'm asking because the answer's so obvious. I love Ed not because he's rich or handsome but because apparent reason. Isn't the answer to his marriage proposal obvious?

"Yes," I say softly.

Ed smiles widely and he slips the ring onto my finger. Everyone starts cheering. Marilyn and Zoe are just jumping up and down.

Ed hugs me and I wrap my arms around him.

As the diamonds sparkle under the sunlight, I feel the weight and responsibility that's suddenly placed upon me- of being a wife, a daughter-in-law, a mother.

For the first time, I'm no longer afraid.

Dear Mr Blind Date, Are You Mr Right? (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora