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Zanes pov

I woke up to humming and singing. As I turned I was greeted with a large lizard. "GAH!" I cried jumping off the bed. "What's with all the fuss?" Eliza asked helping me up. "That little Godzilla on the bed!" I yelped. "You mean Robert? He's my chameleon." She smiled picking up the creature. I rubbed my head, and stretched. "Well whatever it is keep it away from me. I should be heading home anyway." I said. "Well if you must go please have this. You seem nice." She smiled handing me a necklace. It was black with a silver piece at the end of it. It had a small blue gem in the center. "E-erm thank you." I forced a smiled. She took the necklace and wrapped it around my neck. "Well I'll see you around goodbye!" She waved as I exited.

Garroths pov

I sat on the couch with Laurence. We heard the door unlock and we turned to see Zane. He looked drained and weak. I ran to him. "Zane! We we're worried sick! Are you alright?" I asked. He looked paler than usual. And his eyes lacked their normal shine. "I'm fine, I've agreed to the marriage." He said coldly. "Really? Zane I'm so proud!" I smiled but still something seemed wrong with him. "I'll be in my room." He pushed me aside gently and dragged himself up the stairs. "Laurence I'm worried." I turned to him with a frown. "When are you not? He's fine, just tired." He rolled his eyes. "Come on let's watch Netflix." Laurence said patting the couch, i sat beside him. Hopefully he's right.

Genes pov

I needed to talk to Zane but I can't go to his house. Garroth would knock my head off. So the next bet was the window. I used a ladder to climb up to the window. And lightly knocked. This isn't gonna end well.

Zane x gene lemonWhere stories live. Discover now