Chapter 2

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Miles tried to come after me but I was already down the road when a car came up beside me and roll down it's window I was about to scream until I saw that it was hunter and he told me to get in the car. He said that he went to the park but I was not there so he thought something was wrong so he came looking for me and he saw me walking down the street so he fellowed me and he could see that something has happen cause the bruises on my face so I told him about it and he was so pist that he said he would kill him and I said you can't cause he knows all the cops and he would tell them that we were lying and they would believed him over us. I finally talked hunter to dropped it and ask him if he knew somewhere I could stay for a while and he said that I could stay with him that he lives on his on with his 12 years old sister and 5 years old brother. That when my parents died 2 years ago they left me the house and some money to keep the bills paid if I used it right so I do cause I am the one that take care of my younger sister and brother and I loved it. So how did it happen if you don't mind me asking he said it was fine and he started thinking back and his eyes looked like he was remembering everything

(*********** Flashback ************)

They came to pick me up from jail and I was happy cause I have not seen them in 2 years and we stopped to get something eat and when we were about 30 mins from the house thats when it happen a car hit us from the front and my sister,brother, and I were the only ones who survived

(********** end of flashback ************)

I looked at him and he had tears in his eyes and he look away and try to wiped them away and I told him that it was OK that I should not have ask and he said it was fine. He ask if I want to meet his sister and brother and I said that I would love to so we went to his house and it was beautiful it had 4 bedrooms and 3 a half bathrooms and a kitchen and dinning room and a living room and it was just right for them. I told sayje at first the social worker was not going to let me keep my sister or brother because of my past and ask her is there any way that i could prove that I can take of them and she said that she would give me one chance and I said that all I needed and I been taking care of them ever since and would not have other way and I love every min of it and I was like awwwww  he told me that they are the reason he get out of bed in the morning and the reason he is not in jail right now to cause he is all they have. You see I don't have any brothers or sisters cause my parents only had me cause they did not want anymore kids cause they did not want to have to give up their life style and stay home to take care of us and they did not want to do that so when they had me they hired a nanny to take care of me but after she died I told them I could take care of my self and been doing that every since and they said ok . First his 12 years old sister came down the stairs and she was really pretty for a 12 year old he said Sayje this is my sister Brooklyn and she looked at me and smile and that I was pretty and I said thankyou and told her my name was Sayje and she said that was a cool name. Then we hear running down the stairs and hunter says that would be my brother David he look like Hunter but younger he jumps in hunter arms and yells that he is Hungary and I just thought that was the cutest thing I have ever seen he said OK but first I have to ask y'all something and they said what and he said is it OK if Sayje can stay here for awhile cause she is having problems at home and needed somewhere to go and they looked at me and acted like they were thinking and then ask if I could cooked and I said yes and ask what would they like to eat and they said spaghetti I said OK and ask if they had the stuff to make it and they said no and I said that it was OK and ask hunter if I could use his car to go to the store and he said no but he would let me used the other car and I could use it anytime I needed to cause he don't let anyone drive his car and call it bonny. So I went to the kitchen to see what I need to get and made a list and asked them is there any thing that they like and put it on the list and went to leave hunter ask me if I needed any money and I said no cause I have some that my dad left me some before he died  I keep in my bag cause I don't like banks and scared that my mom would try to take from me I said I be back in an hour and he said if I was not back by then that he would come looking for me. So I went to the store and got the stuff on the list and then some and went back to hunters house just in time to see him get in his car and when he saw me he got out. He was like thank god that I was back cause an hour was to long for me to be gone he was started to worried that something had happen to me. He help me get the stuff out the car and was like damn did you buy the whole store and I said just about he help me put the food away Brooklyn's was in her room doing homework and David was in the living room playing with cars and Hunter was in the living room  to playing on his xbox1. I was in the kitchen cooking when I yelled the dinner was ready. They came in the dining room and just stop in their tracks cause they had not seen the table look like this since there parents passed away the table was set and the food was in the middle of it and that said it smelled good. They ate it like they have not eaten in years they said it was the best cause hunter could not cook he always order takeout which they got tired of it and I told them as long as I was here they did not have to have takeout again unless they want to and they looked at hunter and said we like her and that she can stay as long as I wanted to he looked at me and smiled. He said that I was something special cause he had never seen them take to anyone they just met and I said awww that so sweet and he laugh.

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