Chapter 6

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Hunter's. p O V
When I saw Sayje stop and started shaken I know why and then I turned and there stood him the guy that Sayje was scare of and I wanted to hit him right there but Steven was holding me back and when he smirk at her like he owned her I just wanted to ripe his head off and then he spoke to her like she was the dirt on his shoes so I told her to go with him that I have a plan and kissed her cheek and called her sweetness and they left and I just lost it. Steven came up to me and try to clam me down that we will get her back if its the last thing we do and he said he was an uncle that is a cop and I told him that miles has all the cops in his pocket and he said not uncle lewis and the twins came up to me and said that their dad was a really good lawyer and they can get him to look at that contract if I wanted to and I said ok let's go and talk to him first and they said ok and we all jumped in my car and when to the twins dad office and talked to him and I asked if he knew of a miles Thompson and he said yes that he is well known that he has the best lawyer but that I was better that I came to the right place and since that I was his sons best friend that he wouldn't charge me a lot and I said ok. I asked if you the best then why are you not his lawyer he said cause when he asked me I had got a bad feeling about him and when I get those I listen to it and so I turned him down and he went to the second best. He ask me what i needing to know and I showed him the contract and ask him to see if there was any way around it. He took it and looked at it and said that it looked legal so I said there is no way around it and he said that i didn't say that did I. It going to take some time but every contract has a loop hole and I am going to do my best to find it. I told him that Sayje text me saying that he got her at his house and there other girls there to and she wants to help them get out of there to and he looked at me and said we can try ok and then he said gave him a week and I will looked into this and see what I can do ok he said. So I stood up and that when Ethan said that we should go see his uncle and he said that he will meet us at his house around 6:00 pm and I said ok and its 3:00 pm right so that give us 3 hours to come with a plan to get Sayje and the other girls out to cause if I can help it I am not leavening any girl with that ass and they said we are down with what every you want to do ok. Sayje text me and told me that she met a girl name Erica and i got to thinking that name sounded familiar and so I said to Ethan didn't you have sister name Erica and he said but she went missing about 2 years ago and he said why do you ask and I told him that their is a girl name Erica over there with Sayje and he told me to text her back and ask her to ask Erica what was your last name and so I did and she text back and said that it was Grimes and when I got that text my eyes got really big and looked at Ethan and was like holy shit he has your sister and Ethan just lost is and said we have tell my dad and I told him we will but first we needed to come up with a plan thats not going to put them in danger and get us in trouble and he said sure man whatever you say. Well were thinking but all ideas we had didn't sound good so we said were wait till we talk to the twins uncle lewis . so its around 6 and we head over to the twins house and their uncle is there waiting on us and he said ok what's up and Ethan ask if we can wait till his dad gets here and I tell him yea man we can wait what time will he be here and ethan says about 10 mins and I say ok that's cool. It has been 10 mins when Mr. Grimes show up and ask Ethan what was so important that I had to stop doing what I was doing to rush over here and Ethan said I think I know where Erica is and he said what makes you say that and I spoke up and said that there is a girl name Erica Grimes at the place where Sayje is being held and he looks at me and says are serious right now and I said yea that what Sayje text. Well I looked at the contract and I found a loophole and I said that was fast and he said that cause I am good at my job. And he said that if we get his daughter back safe that I will not have pay for his service and I said cool. So I ask him what he found and he pulled out the contract and said you see where it has her mother name and I said what about it and he said since Sayje is 18 and she did not sign it then it is not legal and when I heard that I had a big smile on my face and told him thankyou for helping us and he don't thank me till you get Sayje and Erica back and said I ok.

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