Chapter 7

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Sayje  P.O.V.
Ok so I went to see miles and said what do you want and he said is that how you speck to your master and I look at him and said  that I have no master and he said that this contract says other wise and I tell him well you better not go to sleep tonight cause I will cut your neck and he so feisty I like it. I said that to damn bad you won't ever get in my pants and he said want to bet and I said yea. He just looked at me and said all in due time and I look at him and said over my dead body and he said that can arrange and my eyes got really big and he just smirk at me and said that I need to go help the other girls clean his house and I left and just try to forget what just happen and went to my room and looked under my pillow and got the phone and turned it on and I text Hunter was telling him about the girl I met and told him her name was Erica and a few mins went by and he text back and ask me what was her last name  and I asked her last name and she said it was Grimes and so I text him back that she said It was Grimes and I ask him why but before he could text back I hear some footsteps and they stop at my door and so I turned off the phone and shoved in under my pillow and right when I stand up the door fly's open and here come miles walking in and he said why are you in here I told you to help the other girls clean the damn house and I looked at him and said that I was not his maid and he said yes you are and he came up and slap me across the face and said next time it will be a hole lot worse and he said keep back talking and see what you get and I looked at him like he done lost his mind and I rolled my eyes and walked out the door and went to see the other girls and they told me that they were like me when they first got here to and then after a few months they gave up on anyone saving them and I said don't worried that my boyfriend is going to come up with a plan to get us out of here and told them that in the mean time that we should just act like nothing is going on and to do what ever they usually do and they said that all we do is cook and clean this house and every night we have to put on our best dress and entertain his friends if you know what I mean and when I heard that I had the look of disgust on my face and Erica was the first to speak up and say don't worried about it that you will get used to it.  So I ran to my room shut the door and push the dresser to the door and got the phone and it was a text on it that said that Erica was ethan sister and so I text back and said that we have to get her out of here and to him that mile was going go make me sleep with one of his friends and hunter text and said to do every thing in your power to not to let any one touch you and I text back and said that I will try and he text and said ok sweetness. My friends and I are going to come up with a plan to save all of y'all ok I will text back and let you know what we decide ok and I text back ad said ok please hurry and just as I was cutting off the phone the door knob started moving and so I put the phone back under the pillow and move the dresser back and open the door and Erica was standing there with a small dress and said miles wants you wear this and he said you have an hour to be ready and I said to tell him that he can shove that dress up his ass and she said that he said that you would say that and if the case to come and get him. So Erica left and went got miles and he came and hit me until I couldn't take it anymore and agree to put on the dress and he said now you look ready for what I have in store for you and I said what do you mean and he said you will see all in due time bit first we all need to have a little fun just our self's and then the party can began. When I herd that I about though up in my month. He said whats the matter don't like what I have plain for you and I said HELL NO and he said there goes that feisty that I like and I rolled my eyes and said you wish and he said yea I do and can't wait cause you are mine and no one and I do no one can have you and after I an done with you no one is going to want you.  He told me finish getting ready and with that he left and shut the door behind him and I grab the phone and text hunter and told him what miles said and he text back and told me that don't worry that he would never leave me. I text and said ok and ask him why Erica thinks that miles  paid her parents a lot of money for her and and he text back and he not sure but he will found out for me and text me.

I am with the angel in disguiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora